Tagged: Stephan Joubert

Christian Buddhism 7

Double Belonging / Christian Buddhism

Double Belonging or Christian Buddhism One of the most dangerous and skewed peculiarities of the Emergent Church is its mistaken view of suffering. Though they may disagree with this statement and argue that their understanding of suffering is firmly based on...

Spiritual Parrots 0

Spiritual Parrots

Spiritual Parrots The Emergent Church is swamped with spiritual parrots. None of them have the originality to say something innovative. 1 John 4:5-6: Amplified Bible (AMP) 5 They [who teach twisted doctrine] are of the world and belong to it; therefore they speak...

Sweeping Truth under the carpet 3

How to Sweep the Truth under the Carpet the Stephan Joubert Way

Sweeping the Truth Under the Carpet For God’s [holy] wrath and indignation are revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who in their wickedness repress and hinder the truth and make it inoperative. (Romans 1:18) Many Christians the...

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Parliament of World’s Religions: Birds of a Feather . . .

Quip of the Week:  Parliament of World’s Religions: Birds of a Feather . . . Facilitators in the Parliament of World’s Religions are working at break-neck speed to inaugurate the New World Order. After more than 22 years, it will...

Stephan Joubert & Leonard Sweet 1

Leonard Sweet: Changing The Emergent Leopard’s Spots

Leonard Sweet and Stephan Joubert’s Emerging spots The Bible is the most amazing, most awesome and most wonderful book ever written. No other book foretells and describes future events so accurately than the Bible. It even foretells how Stephan Joubert...

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The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness without Steroids”

The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness” Adherents to the Emergent Church have an uncanny ability to tell their congregates what to do without explaining to them what they really have in mind. They have the knack to use biblical terminology very...

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Emergent Mysticism (5)

Emergent Mysticism: A biblical appraisal of the Mosaic Church Congress –  Johannesburg (4-5 Sept. 2009) – Part 5  Session 3: Being a radical pilgrim and prophet – Stephan Joubert (Continued) To summarize what Stephan Joubert has said so far the...

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Emergent Mysticism (4)

A biblical appraisal of the Mosaic Church Congress – Johannesburg (4-5 Sept. 2009) – Part 4 Session 3: Being a radical pilgrim and prophet – Stephan Joubert A man-made Kingdom on earth Beware of this man. He is radically wrong...

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Emergent Mysticism (1)

Emergent Mysticism: A Biblical Appraisal of the Mosaic Congress held at the Mosaic Church (4 – 5 Sept. 2009) – Part 1 The usual suspects spoke at the Mosaic Congress namely;  Ron Martoia (USA), Stephan Joubert, Johan Geyser, Trevor Hudson,...