Tagged: Stephan Joubert


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Who Are The True People of God? Part 1

Important note: It is imperative that you watch this video from beginning to its end. Introduction Who Are The True People of God? – Although Stephan Joubert is adept at communicating valuable biblical insights, he notably fails to implement those...

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Wees nederig: Moenie fout vind nie.

Stephan Joubert is alewig besig om wêreldse “omvattende studies” (Jakobus 4:4) waarvan die meeste skrywers en outeurs ongelowiges en uitgesproke God-haters is, te gebruik om God se waarhede te rugsteun, so asof die Here nie in staat is om ons...

die nuwe nuwe testament 1


“Vader, mag mense met die grootste respek van U praat en U so eer,” Stephan Joubert het op 1 Mei 2022 sy en Jan van der Watt se “Die NUWE Nuwe Testament”  aan die wêreld bekend gestel toe hy in een...

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Why are you afraid of Christmas?

Why are you afraid of Christmas? Transcription of above audio: In one of the most recent articles on his E-church webpage (dated 17th December 2020), Stephan Joubert recounts a conversation he had with a woman who maintained, and rightly so,...

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Moenie mense se ore pap praat nie.

In een van sy nuutste Ekerk artikels beveel Stephan Joubert predikers om mense se ore nie pap te preek nie. Hy sê onder andere “Ons dwing nie ons opinies op ander af nie, ook al meen ons dit kom van...

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Stephan Joubert se Deurlees van die Boek Openbaring in Koronatyd Herbesoek – Deel 1

Inleiding Dit is opvallend hoe die boek Openbaring ’n oplewing ervaar in die gesprekke, onderhoude en preke van ons land se mees vooraanstaande geestelike leiers. Twee name wat onmiddellik die aandag trek, is Stephan Joubert en Riekert Botha. Korona Virus...

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How to Morph the Washing of Feet into the Buffing of Shoes

From This       ………………       To This The washing of feet – It is stupendously amazing how today’s Emerging Church preachers have perfected the art of morphing biblical narratives into stories that never intended to convey what they...

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Stephan Joubert se Twee-Gat Jakkals Manewales

Twee-Gat Jakkals Wanneer Stephan Joubert soos ‘n wafferse Pous Ex Cathreda spreek, moet almal doen wat hy sê. As hy sê jy moet opstaan vir die waarheid en God se wil, dan moet jy dit onvoorwaardelik doen, en wanneer hy vir jou sê...

Christian Buddhism 7

Double Belonging / Christian Buddhism

Double Belonging or Christian Buddhism One of the most dangerous and skewed peculiarities of the Emergent Church is its mistaken view of suffering. Though they may disagree with this statement and argue that their understanding of suffering is firmly based on...