Tagged: Riekert Botha

Afrikaner: Who-is-Behind-Mayhem-and-in-SA 9

Riekert Botha’s Gospel: Who is Responsible for The Violence and Mayhem in South Africa? (Part 8)

Does Riekert Botha Preach the Gospel? I have never heard Riekert Botha present the Gospel with biblical clarity. His use of the phrases, “on God’s side” and “bow the knee before or to God” to convey redemption and the gift...

Afrikaner: Who-is-Behind-Mayhem-and-in-SA 0

Fallacies about God: Who is Responsible for The Violence and Mayhem in SA? (Part 7)

Riekert Botha takes the Afrikaner seminaries (Universities of Pretoria and Stellenbosch), and rightly so, to task for their abhorrent spiritualization of Christ’s resurrection from the dead, claiming that He was not raised with a literal body but something that looked...

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Riekert Botha – VitaDei Vrymesselary?

Inleiding VitaDei Vrymesselary – Ter inleiding wil ek ons lesers eers graag daarop wys dat, soos in enige ander mistieke filosofie of sisteem, godsdiens of beweging, die sg. Pelgrimsreis of Pelgrimstog (“journey”) wat elkeen in die mistieke domein onderneem in...

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God Loves You Just as You Are?

God loves you just as you are? – Riekert Botha seems to love posting posters on his Facebook that, at first glance, look genuine Christian-like. But, are they? Riekert Botha’s maxim on the left can be viewed from two perspectives...

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Net Twee Dinge – Vita Dei Woordskool

Net twee dinge nodig om te weet? Net twee dinge om te weet – In die meegaande YouTube video van Vita Dei Woordskool, waarin Riekert Botha die Berg van Verheerliking in Matteus 17 bespreek, sê hy ’n baie eienaardige ding...

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Who killed Jesus Christ?

Who killed Jesus? Are Riekert Botha and his Facebook followers Christ killers? Are Riekert Botha and his Facebook pals Christ killers? – is a shocking question and will definitely offend people, especially Riekert Botha’s Facebook friends. Some of them may...

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Riekert Botha: Noise versus Authority

Riekert Botha’s William Shakespeare Abuses Noise vs Authority – The reason for writing this article is to show how biblical discernment is being ravaged big time in our day and age. Christians who, in obedience to Christ Jesus’ command, sincerely...

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Riekert Botha’s True Message

Riekert Botha’s True Message – It must be said again that Riekert Botha has the knack to say the most magnanimously superb and celestially inspired words imaginable. No true Christian will disagree that the authority of the Son is non-negotiable....

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Riekert Botha se Markiestent

Wat is Gevaarliker . . .? Wat is gevaarliker, ’n bose terroriste aanval waarin duisende mense hulle lewens verloor of ’n engel van die lig wat duisende mense leer dat God se leerstellings en doktrines nie so belangrik is nie?...

Riekert Botha - Shakespeare-Manewales 2

Riekert Botha se Shakespeare Manewales

Riekert Botha se William Shakespeare Vergrype Riekert Botha se William Shakespeare Vergrype – Aanhalings uit die geskrifte en boeke van wêreld beroemde skrywers soos William Shakespeare (Willem Wikkelspies, soos die ou mense hom genoem het) kan baie handig te pas...