Tagged: Repentance


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God Loves You Just as You Are?

God loves you just as you are? – Riekert Botha seems to love posting posters on his Facebook that, at first glance, look genuine Christian-like. But, are they? Riekert Botha’s maxim on the left can be viewed from two perspectives...

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Do Not Procrastinate, CALL!

Do Not Procrastinate, CALL! Do you know that the words “call” or calling” are some of the most important words in the world? You don’t? Perhaps you may have thought that “love” or “money” or “relationships” or “compassion” or even...

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Lordship Salvation – Putting the Cart Before the Horse

Lordship Salvation – Putting the Cart Before the Horse “But he denied, saying, I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest. And he went out into the porch; and the cock crew… But he began to curse and to...

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Love Casts Out All Hell

Love Casts Out All Hell It’s amazing that preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is about REPENTANCE OF SIN and all about SAVING SOULS can irritate the living daylights out of people. I mean, let’s think about this logically.  If...