Tagged: New World Order

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Palace of Peace and Reconciliation

The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation (also translated as the Pyramid of Peace and Accord) is a 77 m high building in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. The structure was built by Sembol Construction at a cost of 8.74 billion Kazakh tenge (about...

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UN Millennium Declaration Development Goals – 2015 Deadline

Secretary-General calls on leaders to attend Millennium Development Goals summit next September “We must not fail the billions who look to the international community to fulfill the promise of the Millennium Declaration for a better world. Let us meet in September...

FIFA Free Education – © Discerningtheworld.com – Fairuse Copyright, please credit and link to www.discerningtheworld.com if you use this image. 1

FIFA says Free Education for Africa – What does the fine print say?

As I sat watching the FIFA 2010 draw take place last week.  The President of FIFA Sepp Blatter said they had a big surprise for the world.  The 2010 FIFA soccer world cup would be used in a political way for the...

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Coca Cola Happiness Song BUT ONLY IF…

Coca Cola Happiness Song for a New World Order [Specially highlighted song lyrics in red] – [Comments by DTW in Green] Watch video at the end of article… Lyrics VERSE ONE ahhh..ohhh Well hello is this thing on Is anybody...

European Council – www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/IMG/jpg/53dossier5.jpg 0

Democracy is Over

“The road has been a marathon of hurdles but the last hurdle is now removed,” he says, neglecting of course to say that the main “hurdle” has been the democratic process, which he and his ilk have trampled underfoot.” Richard...

new world order US Sovereignty 3

Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty to NWO in Dec 2009?

Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty to NWO in Dec 2009?TREATY TO BE SIGNED WITHIN NEXT FEW WEEKS TO ESTABLISH – NEW WORLD ORDER See Youtube video below of Lord Christopher Monckton presentation – Please watch it and then...

According to one confidential paper, the first pilot ’embassies’ are planned in New York, Kabul and Addis Ababa. Photo: GETTY – © Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2009 0

EU Plans for World Power

EU draws up plans to establish itself as ‘world power’ The European Union has drawn up secret plans to establish itself as a global power in its own right with the authority to sign international agreements on behalf of member...

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1 Rainbow, 6 Billion Smurfs and a New World Order

1 Rainbow, 6 Billion Smurfs and a New World Order You would think the way the world is carrying on we were living in a never-ending episode of the Smurfs.   A village of little blue people, who all look the...

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New World Order Airport with Occult Art

This is disturbing.  I can’t believe that they are blatant enough to put occult art like this out in the open for everyone to see.  Then again we are in a New Age where anything goes, except the gospel of Jesus...

Love casts out all hell 58

Love Casts Out All Hell

Love Casts Out All Hell It’s amazing that preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is about REPENTANCE OF SIN and all about SAVING SOULS can irritate the living daylights out of people. I mean, let’s think about this logically.  If...