Tagged: Nephilim


Jack Hibbs’ deception of fear and confusion 3

Jack Hibbs “In The Daze of Deception” – A Critique

INTRODUCTION Jack Hibbs. What is deception? Deception is the act of twisting the truth to make it appear as if it is the truth, to enhance the deceiver’s image among their followers (Luke 6:26; Acts 20:30), or to extract large...

Who were the Nephilim 2 42


The Nephilim – Written by Vernon Gray and critiqued by Tom Lessing If you haven’t read WHO WERE THE NEPHILIM (Part 1) please click here for PART 1 VERNON GRAY A further difficulty seems to be that the offspring were only...

Who were the Nephilim 1 18


Who were the Nephilim – written by Vernon Gray and critiqued by Tom Lessing VERNON GRAY In recent times there has been some controversy surrounding the origin of what the Bible calls the Nephilim. The verse in question here is...

The Book of Enoch 51

The Nephilim (Fallen Angels) Controversy

The Nephilim Controversy – The Book of Enoch Very few people seem to realize that the Nephilim theory is a Neo-Gnostic, New Age teaching and emphatic denial of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ’s incarnation. Genesis 6:1-7 And it came to...

Nephilim 190

The Nephilim: Sons of God, Daughters of Men

The Biblical Truth of the Nephilim A while ago I posted an article on the Nephilim stating that I did not believe that the Nephilim were demonic offspring.  I then deleted the t is obvious, and not contestedarticle because I became...