Tagged: Manifest Sons of God


Jannes Labuscagne The Base Church – Jannes Labuscagne The Base Church – Seed Within, Overcomer 4

The Seed Within You: The Base Church

Introduction: The Seed Within You Salvation is often portrayed as Christ being the seed of life sown in us to grow within us. Adherents to the New Apostolic Reformation and the Manifestation of the Sons of God who believe this...

lion of judah – latter rain / NAR 50

Latter Rain NAR – Has it Poured into Your Church?

What are the tell tale signs to know if your church is following Latter Rain / NAR / Manifest Sons of God teaching: Here from Latter-Rain.com is an explanation of what Latter Rain teaching is. Sounds very Christian, sounds even...

AngusBuchan-RickJoyner 84

NAR Invasion of SA – Rick Joyner, Angus Buchan, Danie Slabbert, Nevil Norden @ Apostolic Prophetic Conference – July 2012

NAR Invasion of SA – Rick Joyner, Angus Buchan, Danie Slabbert, Nevil Norden I knew it would happen and I waited patiently for this day, the day that Rick Joyner (Apostle in the New Apostolic Reformation NAR) teamed up with...

Angus Buchan-Manifest Sons Of God Teaching 44

The Manifest Sons of God belief of Angus Buchan

Manifest Sons of God – What does Angus Buchan really believe? On many occasions you will hear Angus Buchan near the end of his preaching shout out loud, “…..waiting for the Manifestation of the Sons of God”.  But what does...

OldWayNewWay 30

Latter Rain – Taking Dominion with another Gospel another Christ

ANOTHER GOSPEL – Please read the below…  I know a lot of good people caught up in this, thinking that what these ‘pastors’ are preaching is ok and they can’t see any harm in it.  They can’t see any harm...