Tagged: Kundalini


Mosaiek Church3 12

Has God Abandoned the Mosaïek Church?

Introduction I would prefer to think that God has not abandoned the Mosaïek Church in Fairland, Johannesburg. In fact, I pray with all my heart that He has not abandoned them (Hebrews 10:31). However, a Berean search of the Scriptures...

Torben Søndergaard – Last Reformation 66

Torben Søndergaard – Last Reformation of Lies

There is a Danish Pastor called Torben Søndergaard doing the rounds and I’ve been asked 3 times now what I think of him.  It’s time to do an article on this guy. I received a comment from a Discerning the...

William & Lawrie 25

William Branham and his False Christ

William Branham and Paulaseer Lawrie Mathukrishna One of the most amazing things about Jesus Christ’s end-time prediction in Matthew 24:24 is that millions of so-called Christians are doggedly following false prophets like William Branham and their false Christs despite his...

AlphaCourseLogo 7

If you do the Alpha Course, it will surely be the Omege of you.

On Sunday the 8th July 2012 on SABC 2, a program called “Life 24/7 IV” spoke about the Alpha Course and the benefits of attending.  It presented the Alpha Course as a wonderful 10 week Christian course that anyone from all backgrounds,...

Holy Spirit Dove on Fire 303

Biblical Holy Spirit vs. Unholy Spirit of Fire

Holy Spirit vs. Filthy Spirit of Fire, the calling down of Fire from heaven over a congregation, or praying Fire over someone is the norm in the church today. It has come to  resemble the early heretic Gnostic churches. Religious...

Chakras 82

7 Colours of the Rainbow and the 7 Chakras

How the Rainbow, Chakras/Tree of Life have infiltrated Christianity Energy centres of the soul.  Each Chakra has it’s own function and their own unique powers. There are actually more than 7 Chakras (a total of 13 in all), These 7 Chakras are...