Tagged: Israel


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‘n Perfekte voorbeeld van die nuwe Israel. Nicht ein Scheitern? (Nie ‘n mislukking nie?) INLEIDING Nadat Stephan Joubert die Ou Testament en die onvoorwaardelike verbond wat God in Genesis 12:1-3 met Abraham gesluit het, deeglik in sy eerste video, “Wie...

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Who Are The True People of God? Part 1

Important note: It is imperative that you watch this video from beginning to its end. Introduction Who Are The True People of God? – Although Stephan Joubert is adept at communicating valuable biblical insights, he notably fails to implement those...

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God’s Covenant, Israel, and anti-semitic ‘Christians’

God’s Covenant – Many self-proclaimed Christians assert that the Jewish nation no longer exists because God has rescinded or retracted all his promises to them, particularly his promise regarding their Promised Land. Let me say this from the very outset...

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Fallacies about God: Who is Responsible for The Violence and Mayhem in SA? (Part 7)

Riekert Botha takes the Afrikaner seminaries (Universities of Pretoria and Stellenbosch), and rightly so, to task for their abhorrent spiritualization of Christ’s resurrection from the dead, claiming that He was not raised with a literal body but something that looked...

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Paving the Way for Antichrist’s Global Peace and Unity – Part 1

Please follow these links to the rest of this series. Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5 Introduction Global Peace and Unity – Important notice: It is imperative that our readers read the end notes because much of the...

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The Scourge of Antisemitism and Replacement Theology

Replacement Theology and Antisemitism is arguably the uppermost reason why Jews have been rejecting Jesus as their Messiah for so long. I would even go so far as to say that anyone who nurtures the slightest feeling of animosity against,...

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Paul Benson – A Bottomless Bucket (Part 6)

Paul Benson’s Elect In my previous article (Part 5 in the series) I ended with a quote and a short history of its origin. There Are None So Blind as Those Who Will Not See: According to the ‘Random House...

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Paul Benson – An anti-Dispensational Bottomless Bucket (Part 4)

God’s Dispensational Dealing with Jews and Gentiles One of the most crucial things to consider when studying the end-times, is how God dealt with his people the Jews in the past, how He is dealing with them now, and how...

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Lady Gaga – Is She Preparing Israel for Antichrist?

Lady Gaga, Israel and the Antichrist! In reference to the Jews’ readiness to receive Antichrist rather than Him, the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ, made this startling statement:- This particular prophecy became more evident recently when one of Satan’s servants received a...

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Antisemitism in South Africa

Antisemitism in South Africa – Desmond Tutu from South Africa wrote in the foreword to the book “Speaking The Truth: Zionism, Israel and Occupation,” edited by the Roman Catholic scholar, Michael Prior” the following dishonouring words: “Now, alas, we see apartheid...