Tagged: Interfaith


uncle-angus-buchan-what-to-expect-from-its-time-pretoria 25

Angus Buchan sets aside God’s Doctrines to achieve Peace and Unity in South Africa

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine,...

ravi-zacharias 17

A Good Moral Soil

How To Achieve a Good Moral Soil and Thence an Unshakeable Unity We’re living in a day and age when everyone is striving for unity without counting the cost. Ravi Zacharias, speaking at a large congregation of Evangelicals and Mormons...

John MacArthur – Arthur Brooks – Morminism1 4

John MacArthur and Arthur Brooks – From Rome to Mormonism

John MacArthur / The Master’s College Partners with Roman Catholic Mormonism Promoter Watch the video below of Arthur Brooks & John MacArthur:    VIDEO REMOVED FROM THE INTERNET When we were doing research on John MacArthur, we discovered Arthur C. Brooks...

ReligiousDiversity 5

Universalism – It seems the majority of everyone embraces it now

Author: Most Evangelicals Believe Good People are Heaven-Bound By Stephanie Samuel | Christian Post Reporter | Society  |Fri, Dec. 17 2010 07:00 AM EDT The majority of Protestants and evangelicals believe that good people and people of other religions can go to heaven, according...

Menorah-7Candles 75

Why would a Christian use a Menorah?

As Christians we believe by faith in Jesus Christ.  We do not need candle sticks to remind us who Jesus Christ is because we have the Holy Spirit abiding in us.  The Menorah is part of the Jewish faith –...

religions 20

G8 World Religions Summit – Worships Mother Earth

Uniting Religions for World Change: The G8 World Religions Summit By Carl Teichrib,  www.forcingchange.org A sacred fire was lit. Mother Earth, we were told, needs to hear that we love her, so give a “prayer of gratitude” to the Earth; “Because...

Tony Blair Unite Faiths 9

Some of the Top Contenders for the AntiChrist Position are:

Some of the Top Contenders for the AntiChrist Position are: Tony Blair Looks To US Pastor Rick Warren In Bid To Unite Faiths Tony Blair is preparing to launch a “faith offensive” across the United States over the next year,...

Kathryn Kuhlman 59

Kathryn Kuhlman – The Interfaith Faith Healer

Kathryn Kuhlman – The Interfaith Faith Healer Angus Buchan loves to mention Smith Wigglesworth as a great man of god but lately he is mentioning Kathryn Kuhlman quite a bit.  I thought I would just give a brief history of this diabolical woman.   Please...

JacobZumaRayMcCauley 3

Zuma and Ray McCauley want a Moral Code for South Africa

Now this is interesting.  President Zuma and Ray McCauley want a moral code for South Africa.  Has he forgotten that the Word of God contains every instruction for living a Christian life but ONLY thought Jesus Christ the Son of God and...