Tagged: Gnosticism


neo gnostic calvinism 67

Neo-Gnostic Calvinism – The Correct Understanding

NEO-GNOSTIC CALVINISM: INTRODUCTION I can appreciate highfalutin language when I am armed with a large and trusted dictionary and thesaurus but I have no sympathy whatsoever with anyone who woefully, wilfully and deliberately contradicts himself and, worst of all, the...

AugustineLightnerMuseum 154

Unconditional Election and Total Depravity are Gnostic Teachings

Unconditional Election and Total Depravity are Gnostic Teachings Unconditional Election (Predestination), is the letter U in the acronym T.U.L.I.P that forms the basis of Calvinism. The doctrine of Predestination asserts that some people are born already selected for salvation or...

Word of Faith Latter Rain 10

The Gnostic Roots of the Latter Rain/Word of Faith Movement

Why Latter Rain (Word of Faith), and Dominion Theology is a Lie The latter rain movement as it has come to be called actually began in 1948 from a Pentecostal Assemblies of God revival in a ministry school in Saskatchewan...

OldWayNewWay 30

Latter Rain – Taking Dominion with another Gospel another Christ

ANOTHER GOSPEL – Please read the below…  I know a lot of good people caught up in this, thinking that what these ‘pastors’ are preaching is ok and they can’t see any harm in it.  They can’t see any harm...