Tagged: faith healer


Kobus van Rensburg – Immortal Dead Passed away 220

Kobus van Rensburg – The Immortal Conquered by Death

Kobus van Rensburg the Immortal has died. This morning 21 December 2013 at 05:30 am from an ongoing battle with cancer.  We wish his family our sincerest condolences during this time.  However we can’t let it slip by that Kobus...

CanSatanHeal 108

Can Satan Heal?

I’ve spent many a day praying about the answer to this question and this my dear readers, this IS THE ANSWER to the question that evades everyone so much. Can Satan heal? The answer is, absolutely, but in a very...

Crutches 28

Johan van Wyk – Solid Rock Church With Not So Solid Advertising

Johan van Wyk’s ‘Healing’ church faces ASA wrath Johannesburg – A Christian church is facing action from the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) after repeatedly claiming to heal the blind, the lame, and people with HIV Aids or cancer. This follows...

Benny Hinn 131

Benny Hinn – Miracle Service in Durban – 13 Mar 2010

The Afrikaans version of the cartoon below, is different from the English version.  Did they censor it so as to not offend their readers?  Do they think English people can handle the truth and Afrikaans people can’t?  Or what?  I’m confused…

Kathryn Kuhlman 59

Kathryn Kuhlman – The Interfaith Faith Healer

Kathryn Kuhlman – The Interfaith Faith Healer Angus Buchan loves to mention Smith Wigglesworth as a great man of god but lately he is mentioning Kathryn Kuhlman quite a bit.  I thought I would just give a brief history of this diabolical woman.   Please...

Reinhard Bonnke – SapeleCrusade 77

Reinhard Bonnke – 3yr old Boy Raised from the Dead

Reinhard Bonnke Twitter comment:   Our Sapele Crusade has just ended. On the last night a 3 year old boy was raised from the dead. We serve a mighty God. 12:21 AM, Dec 16th 2009. — http://twitter.com/ReinhardBonnke/status/6709750192   Ah don’t you just love it...

Benny Hinn 4

Benny Hinn – God Never Called Me to Verify. I’m Not a Doctor

Comments by DTW in Green Pastor Benny Hinn: Charlatan or Man of God? Friday, October 09, 2009 By Lauren Green – © FOX News Network Pastor Benny Hinn is being investigated by the Senate Finance Committee and was recently denied...

YouMagTBJoshua 89

T.B. Joshua – False Miracle Man

T.B. Joshua a False Miracle Man Letter by Bill Randles to the You Magazine regarding their article on T.B. Joshua (02/25/2001) Dear Sirs, I am writing in regard to your article (02/25/01) on the prophet T.B. Joshua entitled MIRACLE MAN. As a Christian...

TB Joshua 61

T.B. Joshua – The Deceiver

An expose’ on T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations by Sandy Simpson, 3/01  [2] There has been a lot of talk about T.B. Joshua from Nigeria lately. I have written to him asking for two items: (1)...