Can Satan Heal?
I’ve spent many a day praying about the answer to this question and this my dear readers, this IS THE ANSWER to the question that evades everyone so much. Can Satan heal? The answer is, absolutely, but in a very...
Latter Rain Teaching / Dominionism / Kingdom Now / Occultism / Pentecostalism / Angels / Antichrist / Apostate Church / Discernment / End Times / False Teachers / Health / Healing / Faith Healing / Medical / Holy Spirit Fire / Slain in the Spirit / Outpouring of Holy Spirit / Signs/Miracles/Wonders
by Deborah (Discerning the World)
by Deborah (Discerning the World) · Published 8 December, 2010 · Last modified 15 September, 2018
I’ve spent many a day praying about the answer to this question and this my dear readers, this IS THE ANSWER to the question that evades everyone so much. Can Satan heal? The answer is, absolutely, but in a very...