Free Will Under Attack (Again?) – Part 1
To be (free will) or not to be (no free will), now that aint such a tough question after all, is it? The question whether man has a free will to choose for or against God and decide for himself...
To be (free will) or not to be (no free will), now that aint such a tough question after all, is it? The question whether man has a free will to choose for or against God and decide for himself...
Calvinism, it’s Roman Catholic Connection by Hunt, Dave THERE IS NO QUESTION that Calvin imposed upon the Bible certain erroneous interpretations from his Roman Catholic background. Many leading Calvinists agree that the writings of Augustine were the actual source of most of...
One of Satan’s greatest lies is to try and convince you that there are different types of Calvinists, that being the moderate Calvinist and then the hyper Calvinist. It is a load of nonsense. All Calvinists are Calvinists who follow...
The DIFFERENCE Between Assurance of Salvation (Once Saved, Always Saved) and CALVINISM’S Perseverance of the Saints (Once CHOSEN, Always CHOSEN) There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between Calvinism’s version of ‘once saved, always saved’ and the BIBLICAL version of Assurance of...
This is the funniest video I have seen in a long time. Thumbs up to Refuting Calvinism for making it. [youtube] NOTE TO ALL CALVINISTS: This is a satirical look at your heretical doctrine 😉
I said it before here: Louie Giglio – A Baptist with an Emerging Agenda and here: Louie Giglio – Sometimes Silence is Loud and here: Louie Giglio – Chasing The Experience (Part 1) that Louie Giglio was silently practicing Contemplative...
The Calvinism of Rick Warren by Brenda Nickel Friday, 25 November 2011 – Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Community Church in Lake Forest, California often finds himself at the center of controversy for joining hands with those of questionable...
What would these pastors have done if they were there 2 Youtube videos by Tom Lessing. The shocking truth about Calvinism; that God does NOT love everyone savingly… Hear John MacArthur, Paul Washer, John Piper and Robert Morey speak. and...
A new term has been coined for the youth, it’s called New Calvinism or Neo-Reformed. It’s actually Old Calvinism repackaged for a more vibrant gullible generation. Why is Calvinism spreading like wild fire in the times we living in? Because they preach what appears...