Tagged: Assurance of Salvation


ElectionOCAC-SalvationOSAS 208

The DIFFERENCE Between Assurance of Salvation and CALVINISM’S Perseverance of the Saints

The DIFFERENCE Between Assurance of Salvation (Once Saved, Always Saved) and CALVINISM’S Perseverance of the Saints (Once CHOSEN, Always CHOSEN) There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between Calvinism’s version of ‘once saved, always saved’ and the BIBLICAL version of Assurance of...

SavedLost 68

Eternal Security – Genuinely Saved, Always Saved!

Genuinely Saved, Always Saved! A Believer is Eternally Secure! Is there a true and false version of Eternal Security?  Yes there is.  1)  Was the person saved to start off with?  If not then no he is not secure in anything....