Discerning the World - Discerning Biblical Answers for Christians in Todays World

According to one confidential paper, the first pilot ’embassies’ are planned in New York, Kabul and Addis Ababa. Photo: GETTY – © Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2009 0

EU Plans for World Power

EU draws up plans to establish itself as ‘world power’ The European Union has drawn up secret plans to establish itself as a global power in its own right with the authority to sign international agreements on behalf of member...

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IntegralLife – http://integrallife.com – Integral Spirituality Experience 0

Integral Spiritual Experience come New Years Eve 2009

Global Spirituality Event and Ken Wilber (The Author Rob Bell Loves!) So how does a supposed Christian minister of the Gospel [Rob Bell] end up promoting someone [Ken Wilbur] teaching doctrines of demons? (All spiritual paths lead to your highest...

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obama – nobel peace prize 16

Barack Hussein Obama Deserves Nobel Peace Prize

Leopold Scholtz writes in Beeld Saturday 10 October that the general feeling is the prize has been awarded to the right man, but prematurely. Not so, says Nidra Poller. Pres. Barack Hussein Obama is the perfect recipient of the Nobel...

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Obama Nobel Peace Prize 33

SURPRISE! Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize!

SURPRISE! Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize! “Oh really?  What a surprise!”  *said with complete lack of emotion* I mean honestly.  I think it’s totally amazing that someone can win a prize for winning the tournament before it’s ended.  Oh wait –...

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mosaiek church failands – Rex van Vuuren 2

Rex van Vuuren – Mosaiek Church Fairlands – Sep 2009

Supposed christian Rex van Vuuren offered a workshop on The Nature and Meaning of Dreams at the Mosaiek Church in Sep 2009. It would appear that dream interpretation is now officially Christian because someone by the name of Rex from the Dept...

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Benny Hinn – www.timesonline.co.uk – Joe Skipper / Reuters 1

Benny Hinn Denied

This is very interesting article.  It shows us that religion (possibly those classified as Christian) are no longer tolerable.  A new points-based system in the UK has been put in place to combat “extremism and prevent teachers of religious hate” entering the country....

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Emerging Black Hole – Emerging Church 74

How far is too far in the Emerging Church

How far is too far in the Emerging Church How far is too far?   The Emerging Church seeks to change everything but on what grounds? Because the Bible is out of date? Because we are in a time where people...

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Word of Faith Latter Rain 10

The Gnostic Roots of the Latter Rain/Word of Faith Movement

Why Latter Rain (Word of Faith), and Dominion Theology is a Lie The latter rain movement as it has come to be called actually began in 1948 from a Pentecostal Assemblies of God revival in a ministry school in Saskatchewan...

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when sheep fight back – dangerous job 2

Worlds Most Metaphorically Dangerous Job

Worlds Most Metaphorically Dangerous Job:  The Metaphorical Suicide Bomber: Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ which includes repentance of Sin. Having 1 person listen to God’s Word, repent of their sin through His Son Jesus Christ and be saved: cost:  Free and...

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Chakras 82

7 Colours of the Rainbow and the 7 Chakras

How the Rainbow, Chakras/Tree of Life have infiltrated Christianity Energy centres of the soul.  Each Chakra has it’s own function and their own unique powers. There are actually more than 7 Chakras (a total of 13 in all), These 7 Chakras are...

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