Discerning the World - Discerning Biblical Answers for Christians in Todays World

Lordship-Salvation 25

Lordship Salvation

Introduction The doctrine of Lordship salvation teaches that submitting to Christ as Lord goes hand-in-hand with trusting in Christ as Savior. Lordship salvation is the opposite of what is sometimes called easy-believism or the teaching that salvation comes through an...

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Vita-Dei-emblem - Vrymesselary 2

Riekert Botha – VitaDei Vrymesselary?

Inleiding VitaDei Vrymesselary – Ter inleiding wil ek ons lesers eers graag daarop wys dat, soos in enige ander mistieke filosofie of sisteem, godsdiens of beweging, die sg. Pelgrimsreis of Pelgrimstog (“journey”) wat elkeen in die mistieke domein onderneem in...

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AA Alcoholics Anonymous One-day-at-a-time 4

AA – One Day at a Time – Pure Demonism

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) – One Day at a Time – The requirements for sweet fellowship with God in his holy presence God solemnly warns, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not...

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Andrew Murray 29

Andrew Murray – Masonic Charismatic Calvinist

Many people view Andrew Murray as a great preacher, a godly man, while others believe there is something not quite right about him.  I have spent many a month investigating Freemasonry with regards to pastors in churches in South Africa....

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Just-as-you-are 0

God Loves You Just as You Are?

God loves you just as you are? – Riekert Botha seems to love posting posters on his Facebook that, at first glance, look genuine Christian-like. But, are they? Riekert Botha’s maxim on the left can be viewed from two perspectives...

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christ in me-international-heresy - Xandré Strydom 9

The Heresy of Xandré Strydom

Madeleine from Discerning the Worlds’s Facebook group asked about Xandré Strydom of Christ in Me International. I went to investigate. Xandré Strydom is the Senior Pastor from Christ in Me International and teaches the heresy that Jesus was not born...

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Net twee dinge 2

Net Twee Dinge – Vita Dei Woordskool

Net twee dinge nodig om te weet? Net twee dinge om te weet – In die meegaande YouTube video van Vita Dei Woordskool, waarin Riekert Botha die Berg van Verheerliking in Matteus 17 bespreek, sê hy ’n baie eienaardige ding...

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Shutting Up Jesus – The ugly verses 0

Shutting Up Jesus – The Ugly Verses

Shutting up Jesus – the ugly verses: Some of the things some of the Mosaïek Kerk fraternity say are thoroughly teachable wisdoms. If only some of them would listen carefully to these wisdoms, they might learn something profoundly biblical from...

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Crucifixion3 6

Who killed Jesus Christ?

Who killed Jesus? Are Riekert Botha and his Facebook followers Christ killers? Are Riekert Botha and his Facebook pals Christ killers? – is a shocking question and will definitely offend people, especially Riekert Botha’s Facebook friends. Some of them may...

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Shakespeare-abuses - Riekert Botha 2

Riekert Botha: Noise versus Authority

Riekert Botha’s William Shakespeare Abuses Noise vs Authority – The reason for writing this article is to show how biblical discernment is being ravaged big time in our day and age. Christians who, in obedience to Christ Jesus’ command, sincerely...

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