Discerning the World - Discerning Biblical Answers for Christians in Todays World

Bible 5

Scripture – Be of Sober Spirit, Take up the Full Armour of God

Why are you to be of sound mind?  Why are you to be of sober spirit?  Because we live in times where the devil prowls like a roaring lion seeking to destroy you mind.  This is not a fleshly battle,...

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signboard narrow path – © Discerningthewolrd.com Please credit and link www.discerningtheworld.com if you use this image 53

You’ve got 4 types of Christians…

The 4 Types of Christians:  Please VOTE below as to which one you are… Confusing isn’t it?   Well I don’t blame anyone for being confused. Because this is what it’s come down too: 1) We have the Word of Faith /...

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CharismaMagazineLogo 10

We Do Not Play ‘Sloshed in the Spirit’ Anymore

← the New Apostolic Reformation / Latter Rain / Manifest Sons of God (slowly but surely merging with the Emergent Church)  Magazine When all these intoxications, slain in the spirit, convulsing, laying paralysed on the floor for hours, laughing, fire being called...

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MMC2009 – http://www.shalomtrust.co.za/components/com_joomgallery/img_thumbnails/mighty_men_conference_09_5/mmc09_aerial_photos_3_20090609_1848881121.jpg 37

Angus Buchan and the Promise Keepers

Promise Keepers – “God is looking for men, and for women, for boys and girls, that will change the world!   THE WORLD!   Waiting!   All creation is waiting with expectation, on tip toes, FOR THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD!   ...

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Man Listening 9

A Listener’s Guide to the Pulpit

A Listener’s Guide to the Pulpit An Article from Issues Etc. Journal by Todd Wilken How hard could it be? You go to church. The preacher preaches. You sit and listen. Easy, right? But how do you tell the difference...

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kim Clement 25

Kim Clement – “Obama is God’s Man”

I have not been following the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) bandits for a while now, because the Emergent movement took front stage in South Africa and I needed to focus on that.   But I thought it was time to go back and peek...

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CocaColaHappinessSong – http://www.openhappiness.tv 0

Coca Cola Happiness Song BUT ONLY IF…

Coca Cola Happiness Song for a New World Order [Specially highlighted song lyrics in red] – [Comments by DTW in Green] Watch video at the end of article… Lyrics VERSE ONE ahhh..ohhh Well hello is this thing on Is anybody...

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Kobus Van Rensburg-Man in Gods Image – http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v233/180/62/643502290/s643502290_541061_645.jpg 429

What a Tragedy ‘Prophet’ Kobus van Rensburg

Please go here to read more about Kobus van Rensburg:  [NEWS UPDATE – Kobus van Rensburg claims God healed him, and is telling all his followers this.  It has come to my attention that Kobus van Rensburg is in remission, BUT he...

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ManWithGlasses – www.aperfectworld.org/…/glasses_man.png 5

Prophet Vincent Xavier and the Fallout Refugees

Another False Prophet Bites The Dust Pastor Vincent Xavier, of New Wine Ministries, prophesied the total destruction of Washington, D. C. by an underground nuclear weapon. Vincent Xavier claimed that God told him the weapon would be detonated on the 10th or...

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You Said What — hate speech 3

12 Murdered because of ‘Hate Speech’?

Shooter under military guard From News 24-  2009-11-06 08:32 Fort Hood, Texas – An Army psychiatrist set to be shipped overseas opened fire at the Fort Hood, Texas Army post on Thursday, authorities said, a rampage that killed 12 people...

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