Discerning the World - Discerning Biblical Answers for Christians in Todays World

New Jerrusalem 0


Hoera! Ons het uiteindelik iemand gevind wat besig is om die Onse Vader gebed van Jesus te vervul. Danksy Stephan Joubert en ekerk se goeie werke hang die hemel tans sowat ’n halwe kilometer, of selfs miskien ’n bietjie minder,...

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Jesus is greater 2

Stephan Joubert: The Innovator

An innovator par excellence Stephan Joubert is forever renewing old things. If not “The NEW new Testament” he has translated with Jan van der Watt, it is new ideas about the work of the Holy Spirit that keep popping up...

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Hijacked by Jesus 2

Hijacked by Jesus

Introduction Stephan Joubert wrote a little book called “Hijacked by Jesus. Embark on an Adventure of Grace with God.” The title itself reflects Joubert’s uncanny flair to use words that are very appealing and very spiritual but do not fit...

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die nuwe nuwe testament 1


“Vader, mag mense met die grootste respek van U praat en U so eer,” Stephan Joubert het op 1 Mei 2022 sy en Jan van der Watt se “Die NUWE Nuwe Testament”  aan die wêreld bekend gestel toe hy in een...

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A-Kingdom-Now-A-Mystical-Journey-1 0

The Kingdom of God, Now! A Mystical Journey

The Kingdom of God–Now” End Time Fad It is time that the Church woke up to its true mission, which is to materialize the kingdom of God on earth, today, here and now. The time is past wherein we can...

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John the Baptist - The Greatest 12

John the Baptist – The Greatest.

But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare...

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Jan van der Watt - the rapture1 14

Jan van der Watt: The Rapture Error

Introduction “The Mark of the Beast and other Problems in Revelation” The following video is an extract from a second in a series of two made by Stephan Joubert’s Echurch on the theme, “The Mark of the Beast and other...

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Afrikaner: Who-is-Behind-Mayhem-and-in-SA 9

Riekert Botha’s Gospel: Who is Responsible for The Violence and Mayhem in South Africa? (Part 8)

Does Riekert Botha Preach the Gospel? I have never heard Riekert Botha present the Gospel with biblical clarity. His use of the phrases, “on God’s side” and “bow the knee before or to God” to convey redemption and the gift...

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Afrikaner: Who-is-Behind-Mayhem-and-in-SA 0

Fallacies about God: Who is Responsible for The Violence and Mayhem in SA? (Part 7)

Riekert Botha takes the Afrikaner seminaries (Universities of Pretoria and Stellenbosch), and rightly so, to task for their abhorrent spiritualization of Christ’s resurrection from the dead, claiming that He was not raised with a literal body but something that looked...

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