Category: Signs/Miracles/Wonders

Kathryn Kuhlman 59

Kathryn Kuhlman – The Interfaith Faith Healer

Kathryn Kuhlman – The Interfaith Faith Healer Angus Buchan loves to mention Smith Wigglesworth as a great man of god but lately he is mentioning Kathryn Kuhlman quite a bit.  I thought I would just give a brief history of this diabolical woman.   Please...

mosselbaai_Christus 57

Second 8th Week – Christ appears in cloud at Mosselbay

Second 8th Week – Christ appears in cloud at Mosselbay Rosa Ellis from Second 8th Week took a photo using her cell phone while in Danabaai where she claims you can clearly see Christ holding a lamb in his arms. Rina Bekker...

Warning-Witchcraft Ahead 61

Springbok ‘Healed’ by T.B. Joshua Sadly Pass Away

Springbok ‘Healed’ by T.B. Joshua Sadly Pass Away If only people would just read the Word of God when it comes to the warning signs of spotting false teachers.  I just hope that springbok Ruben Kruger saw the truth of...

Mike Bickle – IHOP 27

Mike Bickle – Everybody is Called to Live in The Contemplative Lifestyle

Who is Mike Bickle Mike Bickle is the director of the International House of Prayer Missions Base in Kansas City (IHOP-KC), an evangelical missions organization based on 24/7 prayer with worship that is engaged in evangelism, healing the sick, inner...

Charismatic-SpeakinginTonguesCartoon 50

Kansas City Awakens to Revival at IHOP – RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

FAKE HOLY SPIRIT ATTEMPTS TO MISLEAD MILLIONS AND WILL PROBABLY GET AWAY WITH IT TOO. Awakening Sweeps over Int’l House of Prayer Paul Strand –  Tuesday, December 22, 2009 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Over the last decade the International House...

Trust Me – © – Fairuse Copyright, Please credit and link to if you use this image. 33

Can Jesus Christ The Son of God Trust You?

Over the last month I have seen a shocking trend.  Blogs where people proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ have somehow changed their stance.  Youtube ‘ministries’ have changed their message too right down to the point of denying the Trinity...

Are Catholics Christian 45

Are Catholics Christian?

Please would you be so kind as to vote in this very important poll.   I have dubbed this voting station: The worlds first accurate poll on Catholicism Even if you have no intention of reading this blog further I would really...

Your Sons and Your Daughters Will Prophesy 54

Latter Rain: Sons, Daughters Will Prophesy, But Not Yet…

Latter Rain: Your Sons and Your Daughters Will Prophesy, But Not Yet… Acts 2:17:   17 “And it shall come to pass in the last days, said God, I will pour out of my Spirit on all flesh: and your sons...

signboard narrow path – © Please credit and link if you use this image 53

You’ve got 4 types of Christians…

The 4 Types of Christians:  Please VOTE below as to which one you are… Confusing isn’t it?   Well I don’t blame anyone for being confused. Because this is what it’s come down too: 1) We have the Word of Faith /...

CharismaMagazineLogo 10

We Do Not Play ‘Sloshed in the Spirit’ Anymore

← the New Apostolic Reformation / Latter Rain / Manifest Sons of God (slowly but surely merging with the Emergent Church)  Magazine When all these intoxications, slain in the spirit, convulsing, laying paralysed on the floor for hours, laughing, fire being called...