Category: Persecution / Violence

Benny Hinn – – Joe Skipper / Reuters 1

Benny Hinn Denied

This is very interesting article.  It shows us that religion (possibly those classified as Christian) are no longer tolerable.  A new points-based system in the UK has been put in place to combat “extremism and prevent teachers of religious hate” entering the country....

when sheep fight back – dangerous job 2

Worlds Most Metaphorically Dangerous Job

Worlds Most Metaphorically Dangerous Job:  The Metaphorical Suicide Bomber: Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ which includes repentance of Sin. Having 1 person listen to God’s Word, repent of their sin through His Son Jesus Christ and be saved: cost:  Free and...

GuillaumeSmitLogo 24

Guillaume Smit and the “Culture” of Islam?

Guillaume Smit and the “Culture” of Islam? Dear Rev. Guillaume Smit:   1)  Islam is not a culture.  But let’s say it was;  that means as per you, that Christianity is a culture too?  Hmmm… no wonder all you Ecumenical people can speak so...

BenSharonVogelenzang 0

Christians hauled before court after defending their beliefs

Christian hotel owners hauled before court after defending their beliefs in discussion with Muslim guest By Jonathan Petre – Last updated at 12:22 AM on 20th September 2009 A Christian couple have been charged with a criminal offence after...

Bradley Fowler – sues Zondervan 2

Gay man sues Zondervan for mental anguish

‘Gay’ man sues Bible publisher for ‘mental anguish’ $10 million sought for ‘negative connotation’ toward homosexuals Posted: September 09, 2009 – 8:55 pm Eastern    © 2009 WorldNetDaily Homosexual man is suing a third national Bible publisher for “mental anguish” after he says...

GuillaumeSmitLogo 26

Guillaume Smit – The Christian Bully vs The False Teacher

  Act 1, Scene 2 Guillaume Smit’s response to my article after I responded to his article:  What does he do?  He whips out the LAW – Hate Speech is what we are doing he implies. But genuine Christians knew the day...

Swine Flu H1N1 0

Swine Flu – The Virus Against Terror

HUH!  I knew this was on the way, but gosh I had no idea so soon.  These people don’t waste time do they.   Now we know what all those +/- 600 empty ‘detention’ camps across the USA are for.   Is there anything...

Global Antisemitism 0

Church of England and the Nazi Christmas Carol

Church of England and the Nazi Christmas Carol This is a bit old, like 2008 old, but I am adding it here because many seem to still have blinkers on. When will you wake up to what is really going on around...

freemason logo 18

New World Order Airport with Occult Art

This is disturbing.  I can’t believe that they are blatant enough to put occult art like this out in the open for everyone to see.  Then again we are in a New Age where anything goes, except the gospel of Jesus...

Brian McLaren 16

Brian McLaren is going to celebrate Ramadan on 21 Aug 2009

Brian McLaren is ACTUALLY going to celebrate Ramadan And you wont believe it, Emergent’s insist that they do not believe that all faiths lead to the same god. Who do they think they are fooling?  Well it’s apparent the whole...