Category: Topics of Interest


Kobus van Rensburg Immortal?

Please read this article regarding Kobus van Rensburg’s doctrine Kobus van Rensburgs empire built on ministry money [NEWS UPDATE – Kobus van Rensburg was diagnosed with cancer and claims God healed him – well this is what he is telling his...

FreddieCoffeeBarBlog 17

Emergent – Another Student at TUKS Theology Loses the Plot

Emergent – Another Student at TUKS Theology Loses the Plot Freddie honestly believes that born again Christians and the Emergent Christian are the same.  Freddie honestly believes therefore that when ‘Christians’ are questioning what they believe and preach they are...

Encounter Christ 41

What does an Encounter mean or is that a G12?

What does an Encounter mean or is that a G12? There seems to be a few Word of Faith churches in South Africa who speak of encounters.  Multiple ones might I add.  Now…this encounter terminology is Occult terminology.  Here is...

Google 2

Google – People Who Run the World Meeting this Weekend?

I see Google is at this meeting too. I’ve already read that Europe is trying to get the license for the Internet and are fighting for it rather furiously. I did not know the Internet had a license that could...

GlennSueGrant1 54

Glenn Grant – The Second Son

Glenn Grant – Occultist and The Second Son I am writing this article as warning to all who have come into contact with a man by the name of Glenn Grant.  He has written a book called The Second Son.  I...

Dominionism 58

Dominionism and the Rise of Christian Imperialism

The below article is extremely interesting when it comes to examining and explaining Dominionism. The who’s who of the so called ‘Christian anointed’ are all part of it…are you?  If you are, please get out of this horrible deception now...

Joyce Meyer little God with Big Christ consciousness 109

Joyce Meyer is a Little God With a Big Christ Consciousness

Joyce Meyer is a Little God With a Big Christ Consciousness Joyce Meyer is admired by so many people, especially women, it’s actually quite ridiculous.  I think it’s mainly because she speaks like a psychologist. So watching her on TV...

Angus Buchan God TV 9

Why does Angus Buchan get promoted by God TV

Why does Angus Buchan get promoted by God TV so much? Because Wendy and Rory Alec (founders of God TV) are South African and so is Angus Buchan. (South Africans support one another hole heartedly when it comes to false teaching.)...

angusbuchafaithlikepotatoes 295

The Dominionist Faith of Angus Buchan – Faith Like Potatoes

The Dominionist Faith of Angus Buchan – Faith Like Potatoes (ORIGINAL AND MOST UPDATED VERSION) It has taken me about 4 weeks to research Angus Buchan, author of ‘Faith like Potatoes’.  (This was last year 2008 when I wrote this,...