Category: Topics of Interest

ReinhardBonnke 79

Top 10 Most Influential Christian Leaders of 2010

[DTW note: The most amazing things about all these men and women is this:  None of then are actually Chrisitan. They say they are Christian as they present you with their branded version of the Gospel. But that does not count.  You...

ReligiousDiversity 5

Universalism – It seems the majority of everyone embraces it now

Author: Most Evangelicals Believe Good People are Heaven-Bound By Stephanie Samuel | Christian Post Reporter | Society  |Fri, Dec. 17 2010 07:00 AM EDT The majority of Protestants and evangelicals believe that good people and people of other religions can go to heaven, according...

God 44

The Bible says, “I said, You are gods” – But is this entirely true?

I said, You are gods Many a preacher today teaches that we are gods, or little gods, based on the incorrect interpretation of scripture.  Some are very subtle in the way they teach this message, others come out right and just say...

FalseProphets 103

Are Prophets for Today or has Prophecy Ceased?

No, there are no prophets today because genuine Prophets are mentioned in the Bible – they were the foundations of the church and secondly the gift of prophecy has ceased. The office of Prophet and Apostle was temporary… and only necessary for the church before the...

rick warren 12

Rick Warren – A New Age Prescription For Your Health

Many thanks to Lighthouse Trails Research for their hard work! Rick Warren’s New Health and Wellness Initiative Could Have Profound Repercussions on Many Just ten days after Lighthouse Trails posted its last and most important article of 2010, Rick Warren’s “Apologetics”...

DelighfullyDivineWomansMinistries – New Age 92

Woman & Delightfully Deceptive New Age Ministries

There is a massive increase in Woman New Age ministries popping up all over South Africa under the disguise of Christianity. Delightfully Divine Woman Ministries run by Luzanne Nel and Melinda du Plessis is one of them. The name of...

Angel 48

Do Angels Visit us Today?

Do Angels Visit us Today? The answer is a simple NO.  The reason being is because Jesus Christ has given us the Holy Spirit. John 14:15-18 15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and...

Obama-GodofAllThings-Newsweek 14

Obama the Destroyer

Since Barack Obama first appeared on TV he has been referred to as the The One, Messiah, Christ and God. This is the latest installment from NEWSWEEK.  In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown on its cover page...

AtBoschoff 590

At Boshoff from CRC Church shows us how Pharisees went about ‘Honoring’ God

The recent invitation to debate sent to Mr. At Boshoff by Dion Knoesen was as a result of the below notice sent out by CRC, to their members and undersigned by Mr. Boshoff. This notice was dated 16 November 2010...