Category: Topics of Interest

BethMooreJohnPiper 24

Beth Moore, John Piper leads the Youth into Lectio Divina at Louie Giglio Passion’s Conference 2012

I said it before here: Louie Giglio – A Baptist with an Emerging Agenda and here: Louie Giglio – Sometimes Silence is Loud and here: Louie Giglio – Chasing The Experience (Part 1) that Louie Giglio was silently practicing Contemplative...

chuck missler and Roger Oakland 206

Chuck Missler and Roger Oakland Exposed

Chuck Missler and Roger Oakland Exposed: Do Not be Unequally Yoked Together with Unbelievers It is with a very heavy heart that I re-post this article because there is a man who I looked up to that I am now...

MiriamFranklin-ETPW 132

Miriam Franklin – End Times Prophetic Words ‘Prophetess’ a Fraud? [UPDATED]

I was hit with the news that Miriam Franklin from the website, has been sued for multiple counts of fraud. I hope Miriam Franklin is NOT Guilty of these crimes.   NEWS UPDATE – It has been proved without a...

Rick Warren 9

The Kuyper Calvinism of Rick Warren

The Calvinism of Rick Warren by Brenda Nickel Friday, 25 November 2011 – Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Community Church in Lake Forest, California often finds himself at the center of controversy for joining hands with those of questionable...

AngusBuchan-belfast 48

Angus Buchan and the Roman Catholic Reconciliation

Angus Buchan and the Roman Catholic Reconciliation In 2008 I wrote an article on Angus Buchan called The Dominionist Faith of Angus – Faith Like Potatoes and in it I noted the following: Angus recently went to Ireland and preached...

James Robinson 18

Televangelist James Robison Praising Catholic Priest

Because we are living in the last days (and boy are we in the last days), we are seeing more and more ‘Evangelists’ like James Robison turning to Rome, and speaking a message that Pentecostals, Protestants, et al need to come...

TBJoshua-Exposed 47

T.B. Joshua’s Evil Doings Finally Exposed!

T.B. Joshua’s Evil Doings Finally Exposed!  Clueless in Nigeria? by Mike Oppenheimer – Let Us Reason Ministries Christian America has been saturated with miracles, by the TV, books and crusades. But it has have not changed our country. We have...

Kobus van Rensburg 79

Kobus van Rensburg – Lied about his healing – Multiple times!

It has come to my attention that Kobus van Rensburg has once again duped his followers into believing that has been healed, however this is far from the truth. This is the story of Kobus van Rensburgs so called ‘miraculous’...

TheVaticanCouncil – ( 38

Vatican Fulfill Biblical Prophecy as False Prophet?

Vatican Fulfills Prophecy – by Anton Bosch Does Vatican Fulfill Biblical Prophecy as The False Prophet? The Bible paints quite a clear picture of the major events that precede the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth. Many of...