Category: Topics of Interest

The Beast The Dragon and the Woman – The Sabbath 14

The Sabbath and the Tribulation

I was sent a link to an article called the “The Beast, The Dragon and The Woman” by Joe Crews from  I started to read this article and was very intrigued at the first few pages on his historical background information...

God’s will 0

God’s Will (According to Calvinism)

The following video is a telling example of the blasphemous atrocities of the Calvinists’ view of God’s will. They are attributing the works of Satan to God. (Matthew 12:31). Think carefully when you watch this video. It may convince you...

EJ Hill – Cataleptic Parables 2

EJ Hill – Cataleptic Parables

EJ Hill’s Cataleptic Parables EJ Hill, “the South African Theologian, Independent Nonconformist Christian Apologist, IT Consultant, Martial Artist (Emphasis added), Author, and former Charismatic/Pentecostal Pastor” [4] who is now a Reformed Charismatic, says that Jesus never told parables to convey literal,...

Grace to You John MacArthur – Take Mark of the Beast Repent Be Saved 33

John MacArthur – Take Mark of the Beast and Still be Saved

The fact that John MacArthur teaches that you can take the Mark of the beast during the tribulation and still be saved as biblical truth is because he is a Calvinist.  The doctrine of Calvinism is a false doctrine of...

AgeofAquarious 6

Age of Aquarius – A New Age, A New Dawn

What does this mean I am asked – “A New Age”.  Well I went off and found the best explanation I could find, written by a New Age person. Can you spot the similarities between New Age belief system and the...

Calvinists Modern Day Pharisees 28

The Modern-Day Pharisees: Calvinists

THE MODERN-DAY PHARISEES: CALVINISTS Pharisees – “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments...

Chuck Smith 36

Chuck Smith founder of Calvary Chapel dies at age 86

Chuck Smith has passed on. Watch the accolades and glorification roll in for a man who never alienated anyone because he didn’t want to offend. The only ones he was able to really offend were the Calvinists. He took a...

Jacob Prasch – Calvinism 88

Jacob Prasch – But By The Grace of God [those Calvinists] . . . Tell The Truth!

NEW: PLEASE READ THE ADDENDUM AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE I only recently came across an article written by James Jacob Prasch which he called “What Are We Left With?.”  I must say I wholeheartedly agree with him on everything he...

DoesGodHATESinners 30

Does God Hate Sinners?

NEW: PLEASE READ THE ADDENDUM AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE: A Comparison between Calvinism and Islam on this topic. In their zeal to defend God’s sovereignty many blogists have joined renowned Calvinists in their campaign against the so-called non-elect...