Category: Topics of Interest

Kobus van Rensburg – Immortal Dead Passed away 220

Kobus van Rensburg – The Immortal Conquered by Death

Kobus van Rensburg the Immortal has died. This morning 21 December 2013 at 05:30 am from an ongoing battle with cancer.  We wish his family our sincerest condolences during this time.  However we can’t let it slip by that Kobus...

neo gnostic calvinism 67

Neo-Gnostic Calvinism – The Correct Understanding

NEO-GNOSTIC CALVINISM: INTRODUCTION I can appreciate highfalutin language when I am armed with a large and trusted dictionary and thesaurus but I have no sympathy whatsoever with anyone who woefully, wilfully and deliberately contradicts himself and, worst of all, the...

lion of judah – latter rain / NAR 50

Latter Rain NAR – Has it Poured into Your Church?

What are the tell tale signs to know if your church is following Latter Rain / NAR / Manifest Sons of God teaching: Here from is an explanation of what Latter Rain teaching is. Sounds very Christian, sounds even...

Grace to You John MacArthur – Take Mark of the Beast Repent Be Saved 49

Grace to You and John MacArthur – Take Mark of the Beast – No Recant

No Recant – John MacArthur says you can still take the Mark of the Beast… On the 14 Oct 2013 DTW posted an article exposing John MacArthur and Grace to You Ministries.The fact that John MacArthur teaches that you can take...

Halloween-Pumpkin (Photographer: Salvatore Vuono) 37

Halloween, a Satanic Feast

Preparing for Halloween Well, it’s that time of year again: the time when you can’t drive down the street without seeing inflatable witches and ghosts everywhere. Over the years there has been a lot of controversy over Halloween. Should Christians...

Baptism 165

Importance of Spiritual Baptism (Part 1)

Someone who just loves me to death and has fought tooth and nail for the observance of baptism by immersion in water as the only acceptable and biblical way to baptize new converts, asked me to read Ironside’s complete article...

kobusvanrensburgphoto 14

Kobus van Rensburg – Smashes Ark of the Covenant

This is shocking.  Once again false Prophet Kobus van Rensburg from Spirit Word Ministries in South Africa is at it again.  This time smashing a replica of the Ark of the Covenant, breaking the 10 commandments, hears ‘something’ speak to...

antwoord bedienning 10

James White and Child Rape – What Next, Antwoord?

Antwoord Bedieninge, a Christian apologetics institution who has hosted many sound, biblical and genuine Christian apologists and philosophers in the past, seems to have made a dive for the worst when they invited the Reformed Theologian, James White, to debate...