Category: Topics of Interest

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T.B. Joshua – Could not Prophesy Collapsed Building

T.B. Joshua – Could not Prophesy the Collapse of his Own Building T.B. Joshua can predict anything from earthquakes to soccer game scores, but some how missing this one, the collapse of a building in his SCOAN compound killing over 84...

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Cape Town 4 Jesus (2010)

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Emergent Mysticism (5)

Emergent Mysticism: A biblical appraisal of the Mosaic Church Congress –  Johannesburg (4-5 Sept. 2009) – Part 5  Session 3: Being a radical pilgrim and prophet – Stephan Joubert (Continued) To summarize what Stephan Joubert has said so far the...

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Emergent Mysticism (4)

A biblical appraisal of the Mosaic Church Congress – Johannesburg (4-5 Sept. 2009) – Part 4 Session 3: Being a radical pilgrim and prophet – Stephan Joubert A man-made Kingdom on earth Beware of this man. He is radically wrong...

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Emergent Mysticism (3)

Emergent Mysticism: A biblical appraisal of the Mosaic Congress – Mosaic Church (4-5 Sept. 2009) – Part 3 Session 2: “Transfiguration: Up and down the mountain” by Trevor Hudson. On the second page of their very smart and glossy programme...

Holy Longing – Johan Geyser 2

Emergent Mysticism (2)

Emergent Mysticism: A Biblical Appraisal of the Mosaic Congress held at the Mosaic Church (4 – 5 Sept. 2009) – Part 2 Session 1: “A Holy Longing” by Dr. Johan Geyser Dr. Johan Geyser has a doctorate in theology and...

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Emergent Mysticism (1)

Emergent Mysticism: A Biblical Appraisal of the Mosaic Congress held at the Mosaic Church (4 – 5 Sept. 2009) – Part 1 The usual suspects spoke at the Mosaic Congress namely;  Ron Martoia (USA), Stephan Joubert, Johan Geyser, Trevor Hudson,...

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Antisemitism in South Africa

Antisemitism in South Africa – Desmond Tutu from South Africa wrote in the foreword to the book “Speaking The Truth: Zionism, Israel and Occupation,” edited by the Roman Catholic scholar, Michael Prior” the following dishonouring words: “Now, alas, we see apartheid...

Grace to You John MacArthur – Take Mark of the Beast Repent Be Saved 30

The Enigmatic Mystery – Hypocrisy in Overdrive

Hypocrisy in Overdrive and the Enigmatic Mystery of Calvinism Enigmatic Mystery #1 One of the most enigmatic mysteries surrounding the Reformed position (Calvinism) is that most of its champions contradict one another in overdrive most of the time. In his...

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A Good Moral Soil

How To Achieve a Good Moral Soil and Thence an Unshakeable Unity We’re living in a day and age when everyone is striving for unity without counting the cost. Ravi Zacharias, speaking at a large congregation of Evangelicals and Mormons...