Category: Topics of Interest

Kundalini serpent 4

The Worldwide Initiation into the New World Order – Yoga

Practicing Yoga – A Worldwide Initiation into the New World Order It ‘s easy to see that Yoga is just another one of Satan’s devices to mimic Jesus Christ and his teaching. The term yoga is derived from the literal...

White Lily 3

In Plain Words – Redefining Christian Terminology

In Plain Words – Redefining Christian Terminology Next time a fellow Christian nods his head in agreement with you over a common Christian term it may surprise you to know that what that person understands of the term may be different...

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Rending the Veil from the Bottom to the Top

Rending the Veil from the Bottom to the Top. What do you think the result would be if we were to do a survey asking people the question: “If you were able to bring about the most important and revolutionary...

Caught Up By Jesus Christ Or Caught By A False Christ 39

Caught Up By Jesus Christ Or Caught By A False Christ

The Tribulation and the Rapture (being Caught up) In some of his last words of the 1st Epistle to the (1 Thess 5:23) the apostle Paul prays, “And may the God of peace sanctify you completely, and may your whole...

pope francis and graham power 8

Graham Power meets Pope Francis

Graham Power meets Pope Francis from the Roman Catholic Church Just recently Graham power went to meet Pope Francis to discuss how Christians can take a stand against corruption.  After Graham Power met with Pope Francis he then traveled to the...

Got Questions 67

Who is Got Questions?

It has bothered me for sometime that Got Questions has taken over the internet with their so called answer to every question imaginable.  Yes, the bible has the answer to every question imaginable, my worry is that Got Questions seems...

Huguenots John Calvin and Freemasonry 44

Huguenots, John Calvin and Freemasonry

Who were the Huguenots and what did they believe? Fleeing religious persecution of Protestants in France after the 1685 revocation of the Edict of Nantes (which had guaranteed their rights), 200 000 French Huguenots emigrated to countries such as Switzerland....

Blame your sins on the devil – God TV 5

God TV – Let’s Just Blame All Our Sins On The Devil

GOD TV – Lets just blame the devil for our sins and continue to support him as an angel of light. Adam’s accusation, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and...

Nelson Mandeal – Order of St John stamp 36

Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Desmond Tutu all Freemasons

I have believed Nelson Mandela to be a Freemason for many a year but there has not been any proof until now.  DTW has written the following articles on Nelson Mandela where he stated at a function that Maitreya (the...

lady gaga moab 1

Lady Gaga – Is She Preparing Israel for Antichrist?

Lady Gaga, Israel and the Antichrist! In reference to the Jews’ readiness to receive Antichrist rather than Him, the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ, made this startling statement:- This particular prophecy became more evident recently when one of Satan’s servants received a...