Category: Topics of Interest

Letter from Graham Power to DTW 0

Letter from Graham Power to DTW

Letter to DTW from Graham Power – 18/6/2015 DTW stated in another article that Graham Power was a Freemason. This has been retracted as per Graham Power‘s request, unless we want legal action taken against us.  Graham Power please read:  (1 Corinthians...

Blue-eyed Brain 9

Stephan Joubert: The New Positive Confessionist

Stephan Joubert: The New Positive Confessionist Like so many Emergent Christians, Stephan Joubert has become so desperately besotted with all the most recent studies on all kinds of silly stuff that he has forgotten what the Bible teaches, or shall I...

Illuminati Clothing collage 1

Illuminati Clothing at your Favorite Fashion Outlet

Illuminati Clothing at your Favorite Fashion Outlet in South Africa So I was doing my shopping the other day here in South Africa (where I live) and walked past a clothing outlet called Factorie that sells the latest fashionable clothes...

Owl Jewellery 10

Owls – From Bohemian Grove to Jewellery Stores

Owls – From Bohemian Grove to Jewellery Stores near you… When shopping for costume jewelry there are a couple of stores that I go too to buy stunning jewelry.  For almost 2 years I’ve noticed that the jewelry from one...

The Narrow Way 31

A Very Lonely Path

A Very Lonely Path for a Genuine Christian John 21:18-22 Amplified Bible (AMP) 18 I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, when you were young you girded yourself [put on your own belt or girdle] and you walked about...

Attie Nel 19

Mary Queen of Heaven and The Dutch Reformed Church Apostasy

Rev. Attie Nel Mary Queen of Heaven and The Dutch Reformed Church’s [Accelerated] Downward Spiral into Apostasy Someone recently asked me “How is it possible that anyone who once proclaimed a steadfast faith in Jesus Christ can apostatize from the...

joyce meyer look at their fruit 27

Joyce Meyer – “Look at Her Fruit”

Joyce Meyer – Let’s take a REAL GOOD LOOK at her ‘fruit’ Regarding Joyce Meyer and others, whenever genuinely concerned Christians warn others against false teachers and their false doctrines, the matter is usually put to rest with the adage...