Category: Topics of Interest
Scott Pruitt and His No-Pretrib Fallacies – Part 1
SCOTT PRUITT AND HIS NO-PRETRIB FALLACIES – Part 1 Scott Pruitt manages a blog called “No-Pretrib” which he ardently graces with one page after another filled with gross fallacies, some of which come very close to blasphemy. How do I...
Soaking – A Once Lost Art…
SOAKING – A ONCE LOST ART BUT NOW A NEWLY FOUND IDOL INTRODUCTION I usually do not mince words, especially when the subject has to do with man’s relationship with God and his eternal destiny. So, without any further ado,...
Pre-Trib – Suppressing the Truth in Unrighteousness
The Pretribulation Rapture: Suppressing the truth in unrighteousness (Updated – see the addendum) In this article, which is a follow-up of “PreTrib Rapture vs PostTrib Rapture” I aim to discuss the many questions I asked the No Pre-Trib crowd, Scott...
Koinonia House – The Adoration of Mary
William P. Welty, Chuck Missler and Koinonia House – The Adoration of Mary Koinonia House (Chuck Missler and William Welty) – An article was just released by William P. Welty from Koinonia House entitled “Maybe It’s Time You Met the World’s Finest...
Margaret MacDonald’s Vision: Pre-Trib? Really?
Margaret MacDonald’s Vision: Pre-Trib? Really? I get a lot of emails and comments by people that believe there will be no pre-tribulation rapture and point me to the so called Pre-Trib vision by Margaret MacDonald that was made known by Dave MacPherson in...
Pre-Trib Rapture vs Post-Trib Rapture
LEFT BEHIND OR LED ASTRAY: PRE-TRIB RAPTURE vs POST-TRIB RAPTURE FACTIONS AND DIVISIONS Pre-Trib Rapture vs Post-Trib Rapture: Factions and divisions have always been commonplace among Christians. How do we know this? Paul himself wrote: “For first of all, when...
Double Belonging / Christian Buddhism
Double Belonging or Christian Buddhism One of the most dangerous and skewed peculiarities of the Emergent Church is its mistaken view of suffering. Though they may disagree with this statement and argue that their understanding of suffering is firmly based on...
Die Stert Tussen die Bene Calviniste
Die Stert Tussen die Bene Calviniste Die mooi Afrikaanse uitdrukking “om met die stert tussen die bene weg te hardloop” het onlangs baie handig te pas gekom in my gesprek met ‘n klompie Calviniste wat die NG Kerk se besluit...
William Branham and his False Christ
William Branham and Paulaseer Lawrie Mathukrishna One of the most amazing things about Jesus Christ’s end-time prediction in Matthew 24:24 is that millions of so-called Christians are doggedly following false prophets like William Branham and their false Christs despite his...