Category: Topics of Interest

Mosaïek Teatro – Place of Silence 0

Mosaïek Teatro and it’s Angel of Light

Mosaïek Teatro: The Angel of Light Obstinately at His Very Best Having watched many videos of the Mosaïek Teatro’s sermons, it seems to me that Trevor Hudson is the only one who is frequently applauded for his messages, or could...

Angel of Light 8

Hearing God’s Voice: The Angel of Light At His Very Best

Trevor Hudson and His Angel of Light at his Very Best Angel of Light at his Very Best – Have you ever attended a church service where the worshipers were so much in awe of the pastor’s sermon that they applauded...

Corrie ten Boom-The Rapture 22

The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#6)

Some Reasons the Enemies of a Pre-tribulation Rapture Offer 1) The Saints Need to be on Earth During the Tribulation to Identify Antichrist  This view probably has its origin in the assumption that only saints will have the wisdom to...

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The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#5)

The Parable of the Sower: Can We Apply it to Jacob Prasch’s Pre-Wrath Rapture? The demarcation between followers of Christ Jesus and of Antichrist will be much sharper and more distinct during the seven-year tribulation than what we are presently...


Tree of Life – Meditation vs Prayer

Tree of Life – Meditation vs Prayer He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.(Psalm 107:20) Tree of Life – Meditation that is not founded upon the Word of God, like a labyrinth, is a maze...

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The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#4)

The Day of the Lord According to Prach’s timeline of the Day of the Lord, God’s wrath begins with the seventh seal and continues throughout the seven trumpets and seven bowls judgments, plus the 30 days reclamation period of Daniel 12:11. It...

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The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#3)

The Corrie ten Boom trump card is a dismal failure I find it extremely distasteful when the anti-Pretribulation devotees use frail mortal beings to defend their hopelessly failing and ailing war on the Pretribulation Rapture. Corrie ten Boom is not,...

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The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#2)

The Rapture: “Made Perfect” Part 1 of our series on the Rapture ended with a quote from Hebrews 11 which we need to study more carefully before continuing with our discussion. And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings,...

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The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#1)

The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card #1 The anti-Pretribulation cohorts, including Jacob Prasch, John Haller, Joe Schimmel and Scott Pruitt, to mention but a few, are fond of using Corrie ten Boom as an example to corroborate their views on...

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My Grace is Sufficient for Thee

“My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness”. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Grace – Sometimes and whenever sleep evades me until the light of dawn overcomes the darkness of night, I often lie in my bed...