Category: Information Technology

computers/programming/artificial intelligence,information-technology,telecommunication-microchips-biotechnology,fingerprints,facial recognition/virtual reality

Sanrail-TollingBooths 16

Let the Truth be Tolled – South African Sanral Highway and other Highways around the World

And you thought we were the only country in the world with someone trying to Toll our highways.  Nope siree.  Texas in the Us of A is having the exact and I mean the exact same problem. For those who...

IrisScannersEyeswipeMini 3

Iris Scanning To Secure an Entire Mexican City

Iris Scanning Set To Secure City in Mexico, Then the World September 26th, 2010 by Aaron Saenz – The million-plus citizens of Leon, Mexico are set to become the first example of a city secured through the power of biometric...

India-People 3

India – ID Cards to Entire Population

India’s New Identification Efforts Aimed at the Poor 29 September 2010 | Kurt Achin | New Delhi India has formally launched an ambitious program to provide identification numbers to its population.  Authorities say they plan to put ID cards in the...

VeriChip 10

Chipped, Fingerprinted and Eyeballed

Chipped, Fingerprinted and Eyeballed One day, you will receive an option;  ‘Do you want to continue buying and selling?  If so, a microchip is available to be implanted in your right hand. Technology has even advanced to such a degree that a microchip...

RFIDChipImplants 4

Was lost, but now I’m found – by Google

Where’s Jimmy? Just Google His Bar Code By Gene J. Koprowski – © 2010 FOX News Network, LLC Updated May 14, 2010 Scientists currently tag animals to study their behavior and protect the endangered, but some futurists wonder whether all humans...

South African Smart Card ID 2

Smart Cards on their way SA

See DTW article: You can drive, but you won’t get very far! on the exact same subject regarding Smart Cards that was posted last year and updated today (15 Apr 2010).  Contains new info on microchip, South Africa’s new Toll system...

Digital Angel 3

Smart Cards – You can drive, but you won’t get very far!

It’s coming folks.  The day where people are going to be tagged like cattle is almost upon us.  The Word of God says that you are NOT to accept this Mark… Revelation 13:16   [AMP]  16 Also he compels all [alike], both...

BanKiMoon-UN 0

UN Millennium Declaration Development Goals – 2015 Deadline

Secretary-General calls on leaders to attend Millennium Development Goals summit next September “We must not fail the billions who look to the international community to fulfill the promise of the Millennium Declaration for a better world. Let us meet in September...

NancyMissler 90

Nancy Missler and Henrietta Mears

Nancy Missler and Henrietta Mears Nancy Missler began her Christianity under a woman who was known for training the next generation of ecumenical world leaders and established the campus ecumenical movement. “Nancy Missler attended UCLA where she studied art. She met Chuck on a blind...