Category: Health / Healing / Faith Healing / Medical

Health / Healing / Faith Healing / Medical

MIT-mRNA-vaccines-explainer-entstof 1

Entstof -Stephan Joubert in Gesprek met Dr. Ena Bromley

Stephan Joubert van Ekerk-faam het op 22 Desember 2020 in ”n regstreekse uitsending ‘n onderhoud gehad met Dr. Ena Bromley, ‘n internasionaal bekende genetikus. Die vraag is gevra of Christene die Covid-19 entstof kan neem, veral ten aansien van “sekere...

Andrew Murray 29

Andrew Murray – Masonic Charismatic Calvinist

Many people view Andrew Murray as a great preacher, a godly man, while others believe there is something not quite right about him.  I have spent many a month investigating Freemasonry with regards to pastors in churches in South Africa....

At Boshoff and CRC church – Masonic 10

At Boshoff & CRC church – 100% Masonic

Is At Boshoff and his CRC church’s ‘god’ the “Masonic Architect of the Universe, the Master Designer”? Masonic Pastors have become so brazen now they are telling you to your face who they worship – but are you really listening,...

Base Church Pregnancy 13

How to Prepare for a Visitation of Jesus

A visitation that transformed a former springbok rugby player to a spiritually pregnant man. Introduction Our triumphant boys, the Boks, are back home from their magnificent campaign in Japan, sporting the beautiful silver-gilt Web Ellis cup with a 32-12 win...

Andrew Wommack 56

Andrew Wommack – False Teacher

Bethel Church is becoming his favourite playground for spewing his heresy… “God has already placed His healing power within us, and it is now under our authority. It isn’t up to God to determine who receives healing; it’s up to...

The Base Church Collage2 5

The Evil of Scripture-Based Deception – Part 1

Introduction Deception of any kind is one of the most despicable and evil things a person can inflict on another. It cannot be anything less than despicable and evil because it is based on lies, deceit, dishonesty, and knavery of...

Jannes Labuscagne The Base Church – Jannes Labuscagne The Base Church – Seed Within, Overcomer 4

The Seed Within You: The Base Church

Introduction: The Seed Within You Salvation is often portrayed as Christ being the seed of life sown in us to grow within us. Adherents to the New Apostolic Reformation and the Manifestation of the Sons of God who believe this...

The-God-Gene 11

The GOD-gene, Heredity and Election

Introduction The God-gene – “Science has finally caught up with the Bible” is a phrase often heard in evangelical circles and, believe it or not, the brainchild who has shown an immense interest in brain research, especially in the field...

Magicians-Antichrist 11

Magicians preparing the world for Antichrist

Every illusion or magic performance by all magicians begins with a lie and as we know from the bible who the father of all lies is, and that is Satan. John 8:44 (KJV)44 Ye are of your father the devil, and...

grace 6

My Grace is Sufficient for Thee

“My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness”. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Grace – Sometimes and whenever sleep evades me until the light of dawn overcomes the darkness of night, I often lie in my bed...