Category: False Teachers

rent veil 0

Rending the Veil from the Bottom to the Top

Rending the Veil from the Bottom to the Top. What do you think the result would be if we were to do a survey asking people the question: “If you were able to bring about the most important and revolutionary...

pope francis and graham power 8

Graham Power meets Pope Francis

Graham Power meets Pope Francis from the Roman Catholic Church Just recently Graham power went to meet Pope Francis to discuss how Christians can take a stand against corruption.  After Graham Power met with Pope Francis he then traveled to the...

Got Questions 67

Who is Got Questions?

It has bothered me for sometime that Got Questions has taken over the internet with their so called answer to every question imaginable.  Yes, the bible has the answer to every question imaginable, my worry is that Got Questions seems...

Huguenots John Calvin and Freemasonry 44

Huguenots, John Calvin and Freemasonry

Who were the Huguenots and what did they believe? Fleeing religious persecution of Protestants in France after the 1685 revocation of the Edict of Nantes (which had guaranteed their rights), 200 000 French Huguenots emigrated to countries such as Switzerland....

Blame your sins on the devil – God TV 5

God TV – Let’s Just Blame All Our Sins On The Devil

GOD TV – Lets just blame the devil for our sins and continue to support him as an angel of light. Adam’s accusation, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and...

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Neuroplasticity, A science falsely so-called

NEUROPLASTICITY AND HOW TO RE-WIRE YOUR BRAIN (SALVATION REVISITED) 1 Timothy 6:20 (20)  O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called Neuroplasticity – the mind-science or...

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Who Is More Prone to False Teaching – a Black or a White man?

Is a black man or a white man more prone to false teaching? It is often said that black people are more predisposed to false teaching because their culture is steeped in wizardry, shamanism, sorcery and witchcraft. Can it be...

Rebecca Brown – came to set the captives free 239

Rebecca Brown – Don’t Bind Yourself in her Books

Rebecca Brown’s false teaching:  WARNING! I contacted Rebecca Brown’s publishing company a few times asking for permission to quote from their book “He Came To Set The Captives Free”, but I received no reply. That is fine, I won’t quote...

Mogale for Christ 12

Mogale 4 Christ (2014)

Introduction How do you befuzzle the mind of Christ and trick Him into changing it to a healthy, wealthy and prosperous mindset? Well, first you need to forcefully twist his arm and make Him change his mind about Mammon. Of,...

TBJoshua-SignBoards 16

T.B. Joshua – Could not Prophesy Collapsed Building

T.B. Joshua – Could not Prophesy the Collapse of his Own Building T.B. Joshua can predict anything from earthquakes to soccer game scores, but some how missing this one, the collapse of a building in his SCOAN compound killing over 84...