Category: False Teachers

Benny Hinn 4

Benny Hinn – God Never Called Me to Verify. I’m Not a Doctor

Comments by DTW in Green Pastor Benny Hinn: Charlatan or Man of God? Friday, October 09, 2009 By Lauren Green – © FOX News Network Pastor Benny Hinn is being investigated by the Senate Finance Committee and was recently denied...

Benny Hinn – – Joe Skipper / Reuters 1

Benny Hinn Denied

This is very interesting article.  It shows us that religion (possibly those classified as Christian) are no longer tolerable.  A new points-based system in the UK has been put in place to combat “extremism and prevent teachers of religious hate” entering the country....

Word of Faith Latter Rain 10

The Gnostic Roots of the Latter Rain/Word of Faith Movement

Why Latter Rain (Word of Faith), and Dominion Theology is a Lie The latter rain movement as it has come to be called actually began in 1948 from a Pentecostal Assemblies of God revival in a ministry school in Saskatchewan...

Ron Martoia Advert 29

Are Ron Martoia, Stephan Joubert and Nelus Niemandt Experts in their Field?

Ron Martoia, an Expert is an Unknown Drip Under Pressure So Ron Martoia was invited to South Africa to speak at the Pierre van Ryneveldt NG Kerk on the 28th August 2009 on “Transforming Church the 2009 Way”.   The speakers were:   Ron Martoia,...

Brian McLaren 16

Brian McLaren is going to celebrate Ramadan on 21 Aug 2009

Brian McLaren is ACTUALLY going to celebrate Ramadan And you wont believe it, Emergent’s insist that they do not believe that all faiths lead to the same god. Who do they think they are fooling?  Well it’s apparent the whole...

bible banned 3

Prepared For The Slaughter – The Disarming Of The Church

Prepared For The Slaughter – The Disarming Of The Church This article was written 11 years ago however as far as I’m concerned it could have been written 10 minutes ago, for John Green speaks about things that people are saying...

curry blake 39

Curry Blake on What Not To Say and Do!

Curry Blake on What Not To Say and Do! Curry Blake the General Overseer for John G. Lake ministries with a smashing video on what NOT to say and what NOT to do to expose yourself further as a false...

YouMagTBJoshua 89

T.B. Joshua – False Miracle Man

T.B. Joshua a False Miracle Man Letter by Bill Randles to the You Magazine regarding their article on T.B. Joshua (02/25/2001) Dear Sirs, I am writing in regard to your article (02/25/01) on the prophet T.B. Joshua entitled MIRACLE MAN. As a Christian...

TB Joshua 61

T.B. Joshua – The Deceiver

An expose’ on T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations by Sandy Simpson, 3/01  [2] There has been a lot of talk about T.B. Joshua from Nigeria lately. I have written to him asking for two items: (1)...

OldWayNewWay 30

Latter Rain – Taking Dominion with another Gospel another Christ

ANOTHER GOSPEL – Please read the below…  I know a lot of good people caught up in this, thinking that what these ‘pastors’ are preaching is ok and they can’t see any harm in it.  They can’t see any harm...