Category: False Teachers

ChrisOyakhilome 107

Chris Oyakhilome – Jesus is NOT Gods Word anymore, You are!!

Chris Oyakhilome – Jesus is NOT Gods Word anymore, You are!! Pastor Chris Oyakhilome says:  You Are God’s Word!   –  March 23rd, 2010 “God gives us His Words for the purpose of making us His word…” “Do you know you...

Turn2God – 144

Turn2God at the Union Buildings was…

Elza Meyer had a vision from God one morning to host Turn2God. They expected 40,000 people to show up and pay +/- R100 for seats.  (These things are no longer for free).   But instead her god only managed to get 15,000...

AndrewStrom 25

Andrew Strom sends his sheep into the ‘Unusual’

This is probably the most disturbing ‘dream/vision passed off as being Godly’ I have read in a while.  Andrew Strom attached a WARNING to his email saying,      “WARNING: This is a highly unusual post!! But hopefully you will find it...

Lord Metatron Archangel – 270

Eric von Anderseck – Mystery Christ ‘blowing his Trumpet’ – Identified

Eric von Anderseck – Mystery Christ ‘blowing his Trumpet’ – Identified It’s Metatron. Second 8th Week Apostolic Institute of Theology are an online based organisation where you sign up to study with them and they send you ‘biblical’ course material.  The...

Warning-Witchcraft Ahead 61

Springbok ‘Healed’ by T.B. Joshua Sadly Pass Away

Springbok ‘Healed’ by T.B. Joshua Sadly Pass Away If only people would just read the Word of God when it comes to the warning signs of spotting false teachers.  I just hope that springbok Ruben Kruger saw the truth of...

louie giglio 21

Louie Giglio – Chasing The Experience

Louie Giglio – Chasing The Experience A while ago I went to watch Ron Martoia an Emergent “Transformational Architecture Specialist” at a Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa.  The title of the seminar was the ‘Vertical Development and a Spirituality of...

Reinhard Bonnke – SapeleCrusade 77

Reinhard Bonnke – 3yr old Boy Raised from the Dead

Reinhard Bonnke Twitter comment:   Our Sapele Crusade has just ended. On the last night a 3 year old boy was raised from the dead. We serve a mighty God. 12:21 AM, Dec 16th 2009. —   Ah don’t you just love it...

Five Fold Ministry – © – Fair use Copyright, Please credit and link to if you use this image. 29

False Foundation of Five-Fold Ministry

FALSE FOUNDATION BUILT BY MEN Christian Research Institute Journal The Faulty Foundation of the Five-Fold Ministry by Robert M. Bowman, Jr. from the Viewpoint column of the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1987, page 31. The Editor-in-Chief of the Christian Research...