Category: False Teachers

MosesFish 2

ANC likens Madiba to Moses

[Picture added to post by DTW] ANC likens Madiba to Moses NEWS 24 – 2010-07-15 22:46 Johannesburg – The ANC on Thursday paid tribute to former president Nelson Mandela likening him to Moses, who rescued the Israelites. “Madiba is like...

BruceWilkinson 59

Moreleta Park, Bruce Wilkinson and the Amazonic “Jesus”

On 16 May 2010 Dr. Bruce Wilkinson preached at the Moreleta Park Dutch Reformed Church, Pretoria to 7 000 people. He did not preach from the Bible. Instead he exegeted the revival that started in Andrew Murray’s church. Before coming...

OpenCoffin 96

Have You or a Loved One Been Raised From the Dead?

Have You or a Loved One Been Raised From the Dead? Then WE are looking for YOU, and you have come to the right place to tell us about your miracle. If you are a pastor who has raised someone from...

RickJoyner 16

Todd Bentley – Restored and Changed

A Note From Rick Joyner: “When one goes through the kind of restoration Todd has been through over the last year and a half you usually come out stronger in basic Christian disciplines and character than ever. I feel that...

John Piper 80

John Piper – Accepting One Mountain with All the Others

You don’t have to give up Buddha, Krisha, Allah, etc., to follow the Cosmic Christ if you listen to John Piper. If you just believe in the Cosmic Christ then you will go to heaven.   If you just embrace the Cosmic Christ...

CindyJacobs-WallStreetBull2 42

Cindy Jacobs – Right Wing Xtian Nazi Communist

Cindy Jacobs – Right Wing Xtian Nazi Communist Seeing as though I have been following the history of Cindy Jacobs for about 3 years now I thought I would do an expose on one of the falsest prophetesses currently roaming...

AndrewStrom 74

Andrew Strom gets it WRONG again…

Andrew Strom gets it WRONG again… This is becoming a habit Andrew Strom and very irritating.  Come now, stop it. This email just came into my mailbox from REVIVAL List by Andrew Strom.  Read and laugh or cry… ~~~~~~~~ REVIVAL...

WalkThePlank – False teachers 44

False Teachers – What do you do when?

Most people trapped in blatant false teaching manage to escape their captors evil clutches and then run off seeking truth in the direction of men, other men who preach false teaching but are not so blatant. What do you do when...

new-evangelicalism 56

The New Evangelical – Evil fit for a New Dark Age

The New Evangelical – Evil fit for a New Dark Age I have been looking into Vatican II for a long time now wondering just how many of our well known pastors are Pope sympathisers.  Then the Emergent Movement exploded onto the scene,...