Category: False Teachers

Mark Them Which Cause Division 6

Mark Them Which Cause Division

Mark Them Which Cause Division Romans 16:17-18 (KJV) 17Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.  18For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus...

Collage of Self Proclaimed Gods and Messiahs 35

Collage of Self Proclaimed Gods and Messiahs

There are millions of false teachers and false prophets in the world today, below is a list of just some of the self-proclaimed gods and messiahs we care to mention. Matthew 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I...

Collage of False prophets and teachers

Collage of False Prophets and False Teachers

There are millions of false teachers and false prophets in the world today, below is a list of just some of the the major false prophets and teachers around. Matt 7:15-20 Jesus says, “Beware of the FALSE PROPHETS, who come to...

XolaSkosana 3

Charismatics Destroying Jesus Shift Another Gear – Jesus is now HIV Positive

This is how the sheep get slaughtered when a charismatic Pastor Xola Skosana gives this as a title to his sermon… Jesus was HIV-positive, claims pastor September 03 2010 Cape Town – A churchman in Cape Town has angered Christians in his community...


List of Authors and Books Not Recommended

List of Authors and Books Not Recommended: Contemplative Spirituality, Cultic, Emerging Church, Heretical, Homosexual, Lesbian, New Age, New Apostolic Reformation, Pro-Gay, Purpose Driven, Transgendered, and Word-Faith Authors and Books Advertised and Promoted within Online and Walk-in Christian Bookstores Worldwide Revised...

Benny_Hinn_Neanderthal_man 16

Benny Hinn and the Neanderthal Man

The FACTs in plain sight Benny Hinn, the word evolution is defined as, “1. gradual development. 2. development of species from earlier forms, as an explanation of origins” (The Oxford Desk Dictionary and Thesaurus, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 262)....

religions 20

G8 World Religions Summit – Worships Mother Earth

Uniting Religions for World Change: The G8 World Religions Summit By Carl Teichrib, A sacred fire was lit. Mother Earth, we were told, needs to hear that we love her, so give a “prayer of gratitude” to the Earth; “Because...

Kim Clement admits to false prophecy 283

Kim Clement Admits he is a False Prophet

Recently a ‘prophet’ was exposed by DTW as being false – Ivin from 220Generation prophecied on the 20th Jan 2009 saying that God spoke to him through a thunderstorm.  God told Ivin that 5 atrocities have occurred or will occur within the next couple...

Ivin Viljoen 66

Ivin Viljoen – The Fires of Hell Burn Bright

Ivin Viljoen – A False teacher teaching our youth in South Africa. I have been meaning to write an article about 220Generation ( and Ivin Viljoen for a while, but it’s been a difficult one only because reading his newsletters...

Crutches 28

Johan van Wyk – Solid Rock Church With Not So Solid Advertising

Johan van Wyk’s ‘Healing’ church faces ASA wrath Johannesburg – A Christian church is facing action from the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) after repeatedly claiming to heal the blind, the lame, and people with HIV Aids or cancer. This follows...