Category: False Teachers

Jacob Prasch – Chuck Missler – Demonic Nephilim 203

Jacob Prasch & Chuck Missler – Demonic Nephilim

Jacob Prasch and his friend Chuck Missler both teach the the same demonic Nephilim teaching that angels came down to earth and had sexual relations with human women who somehow miraculously gave birth to ginormous babies who grew to be...

JacobPrasch-RevilerWords 70

Jacob Prasch the Railer

DTW exposed Jacob Prasch from Moriel Ministries here:   Jacob Prasch – Twisting Scripture the Midrash Way.   Not long after the article was published, Jacob Prasch unfortunately graced us with his presence and commented on the blog.  Jacob Prasch had nothing nice...

KobusVanRensburg-FalseProphet 81

Kobus van Rensburg and his Tower of Babel

It has come to DTW’s attention that Kobus van Rensburg from Spirit Word Ministries feels it absolutely necessary to pray for the entire area of Stilfontein on a regular basis.  Now this sounds normal to the unlearned, the problem is,...

AngusBuchan-FeastOfTabernacles 82

Angus Buchan’s Holy Ghost Chaos or…

Angus Buchan’s Holy Ghost Chaos or….was it Something Else. This was posted by Angus Buchan on his Facebook page.  A most bizarre letter to the public detailing his trip to the Dead Sea.   Please see my notes in GREEN....

Kim Clement – Wolf in Sheeps Clothing 47

Kim Clement – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Is Kim Clement a New Age Prophet?  If you’re unable to deal with issues of Bible doctrine this article will be disturbing in two ways; to those who follow such teachings and to those who hold to the Word of God correctly...

AngusBuchan-belfast 48

Angus Buchan and the Roman Catholic Reconciliation

Angus Buchan and the Roman Catholic Reconciliation In 2008 I wrote an article on Angus Buchan called The Dominionist Faith of Angus – Faith Like Potatoes and in it I noted the following: Angus recently went to Ireland and preached...

James Robinson 18

Televangelist James Robison Praising Catholic Priest

Because we are living in the last days (and boy are we in the last days), we are seeing more and more ‘Evangelists’ like James Robison turning to Rome, and speaking a message that Pentecostals, Protestants, et al need to come...

TBJoshua-Exposed 47

T.B. Joshua’s Evil Doings Finally Exposed!

T.B. Joshua’s Evil Doings Finally Exposed!  Clueless in Nigeria? by Mike Oppenheimer – Let Us Reason Ministries Christian America has been saturated with miracles, by the TV, books and crusades. But it has have not changed our country. We have...

TheVaticanCouncil – ( 38

Vatican Fulfill Biblical Prophecy as False Prophet?

Vatican Fulfills Prophecy – by Anton Bosch Does Vatican Fulfill Biblical Prophecy as The False Prophet? The Bible paints quite a clear picture of the major events that precede the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth. Many of...