Category: End Times

God 44

The Bible says, “I said, You are gods” – But is this entirely true?

I said, You are gods Many a preacher today teaches that we are gods, or little gods, based on the incorrect interpretation of scripture.  Some are very subtle in the way they teach this message, others come out right and just say...

FalseProphets 103

Are Prophets for Today or has Prophecy Ceased?

No, there are no prophets today because genuine Prophets are mentioned in the Bible – they were the foundations of the church and secondly the gift of prophecy has ceased. The office of Prophet and Apostle was temporary… and only necessary for the church before the...

Obama-GodofAllThings-Newsweek 14

Obama the Destroyer

Since Barack Obama first appeared on TV he has been referred to as the The One, Messiah, Christ and God. This is the latest installment from NEWSWEEK.  In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown on its cover page...

CanSatanHeal 108

Can Satan Heal?

I’ve spent many a day praying about the answer to this question and this my dear readers, this IS THE ANSWER to the question that evades everyone so much. Can Satan heal? The answer is, absolutely, but in a very...

OneWorldCurrencyCoin 20

420 Banks Demand a One World Currency

420 banks demand one world currency International finance group seeks remedy to looming exchange wars October 10, 2010 | WND © 2010 The Institute of International Finance, a group that represents 420 of the world’s largest banks and finance houses, has...

LausanneCongress-CapeTown2010 45

The 3rd Lausanne Congress Opens in Cape Town – 16 Oct 2010

Updated:  John Piper a speaker at Lausanne Congress! The Third Lausanne Congress Opens in Cape Town MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 16 /Christian Newswire/ — The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization opens in Cape Town this weekend, Sunday 17 October 2010....

IrisScannersEyeswipeMini 3

Iris Scanning To Secure an Entire Mexican City

Iris Scanning Set To Secure City in Mexico, Then the World September 26th, 2010 by Aaron Saenz – The million-plus citizens of Leon, Mexico are set to become the first example of a city secured through the power of biometric...

India-People 3

India – ID Cards to Entire Population

India’s New Identification Efforts Aimed at the Poor 29 September 2010 | Kurt Achin | New Delhi India has formally launched an ambitious program to provide identification numbers to its population.  Authorities say they plan to put ID cards in the...

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Britain Recognises Druidry as a Religion

Just in time for Halloween. I wonder what they will recognise next. Britain recognizes Druidry as religion for first time, gives it charitable status CNN’s Phil Gast filed this report: Britain recognized Druidry, an ancient belief that worships deities that take different...

Queen of Heaven-Lady Of the Miraculous Medal 106

Mary Queen of Heaven – Whore of Babylon

What does the Bible say about Mary, Queen of Heaven? Jeremiah 7:18  (Amplified Bible) “18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead the dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven; and they...