Category: Apostate Church

YouMagTBJoshua 89

T.B. Joshua – False Miracle Man

T.B. Joshua a False Miracle Man Letter by Bill Randles to the You Magazine regarding their article on T.B. Joshua (02/25/2001) Dear Sirs, I am writing in regard to your article (02/25/01) on the prophet T.B. Joshua entitled MIRACLE MAN. As a Christian...

Soul Journey 0

Soul Journey to Godhood

I always thought the big question was, “What’s the meaning of Life”,  but now I see it’s changed to, “Who Am I?” what “Journey” must I take to figure out who I am? It would seem Rick Warren really did...

GlennSueGrant1 54

Glenn Grant – The Second Son

Glenn Grant – Occultist and The Second Son I am writing this article as warning to all who have come into contact with a man by the name of Glenn Grant.  He has written a book called The Second Son.  I...

angusbuchafaithlikepotatoes 295

The Dominionist Faith of Angus Buchan – Faith Like Potatoes

The Dominionist Faith of Angus Buchan – Faith Like Potatoes (ORIGINAL AND MOST UPDATED VERSION) It has taken me about 4 weeks to research Angus Buchan, author of ‘Faith like Potatoes’.  (This was last year 2008 when I wrote this,...

WilliamBranhamF ireHalo 422

William Branham – False Prophet

William Branham – False Prophet I have decided to write this article on William Branham for 2 reasons and that is this: William Branham’s influence on the church today is nothing but a vile attack on the True Body of...

TourniquetCollectedWworks 58

University of Pretoria – The Died-Again Christian Syndrome

The Died-Again Christian Syndrome By the University of Pretoria I have nothing to say about this article written by a post-doctoral student of the University of Pretoria.  It’s pretty self explanatory.  The absolute hatred for born again Christians is extremely...

Todd Bentley – Georgian Banov 0

Blasphemous Prophecy at Todd Bentley’s Ritual Ceremony

George Banov prophecies 2 scriptures that were for Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ ONLY over Todd Bentley. July 1, 2008  by Craig “Lee” Dorsheimer This Youtube video [ ] was available in 2008 but is now private. In Todd Bentley’s initiation “ordination”...