Category: Antisemitism

Novus Ordo Seclorum - Global Peace and Unity 10

Paving the Way for Antichrist’s Global Peace and Unity – Part 5

Here are the links to Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4 Kabbalah in the White House The White House seems to be pandering to mysticism in both Judaism (Kabbalah) and Christianity (a.k.a. the “Paula-White-Cain-standing-on-holy-ground” flavor). In addition, they...

one-for-israel 33

The Scourge of Antisemitism and Replacement Theology

Replacement Theology and Antisemitism is arguably the uppermost reason why Jews have been rejecting Jesus as their Messiah for so long. I would even go so far as to say that anyone who nurtures the slightest feeling of animosity against,...

Lent-2019-Promo-860×484 12

To Lent Or Not To Lent, That is The Question

To Lent or Not to Lent, That is the Question. Introduction The heading of this article “To Lent or not to Lent, that is the question” is, as our readers can see, a skit on one of the most famous...

Brian-McLaren 1

Amahoro Conference (a.k.a. Ama-horror Conference) – 2009

Amahoro Conference (a.k.a. Ama-horror Conference) – 2009:  The Restoration of All Things This Amahoro Conference article was first posted on the blog “Waak en Bid/Watch and Pray,” 18th June 2009. Jesus, would you mind stepping aside and leave us to our...

Dutch Reformed Chruch Wolmaransstad-NG Kerk 47

Freemasonry and the Dutch Reformed Church – Part 1

Freemasonry and the Dutch Reformed Church The following articles outlines the history of Freemasonry in the world and in particular South Africa; including it’s huge influence in the Dutch Reformed Church, the Afrikaner Broederbond and the building of the Voortrekker...

Desmon Tutu 65

Antisemitism in South Africa

Antisemitism in South Africa – Desmond Tutu from South Africa wrote in the foreword to the book “Speaking The Truth: Zionism, Israel and Occupation,” edited by the Roman Catholic scholar, Michael Prior” the following dishonouring words: “Now, alas, we see apartheid...

Freemason – tower of bable 1 5

Why America is Going Down the Tube?

Want to know why America is going down the tube? The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. (Psalm 9:17) The day the US military burned the Bible in Afghanistan Military burns unsolicited Bibles...

DoesGodHATESinners 30

Does God Hate Sinners?

NEW: PLEASE READ THE ADDENDUM AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE: A Comparison between Calvinism and Islam on this topic. In their zeal to defend God’s sovereignty many blogists have joined renowned Calvinists in their campaign against the so-called non-elect...

The Book of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks 8

Daniel’s Seventy Weeks

Daniel’s Seventy Weeks I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose...

Amillennialiism vs Dominionism 3

Amillennialism vs Dominionism

Amillennialism and Dominionism fits “like a hand in a glove”, says C. Peter Wagner, head apostle from the New Apostolic Reformation.  Below we will analyze the two and we will see that he is quite right. What is Amillennialism: Amillennialism...