Category: Angels

Word of Faith Latter Rain 10

The Gnostic Roots of the Latter Rain/Word of Faith Movement

Why Latter Rain (Word of Faith), and Dominion Theology is a Lie The latter rain movement as it has come to be called actually began in 1948 from a Pentecostal Assemblies of God revival in a ministry school in Saskatchewan...

Chakras 82

7 Colours of the Rainbow and the 7 Chakras

How the Rainbow, Chakras/Tree of Life have infiltrated Christianity Energy centres of the soul.  Each Chakra has it’s own function and their own unique powers. There are actually more than 7 Chakras (a total of 13 in all), These 7 Chakras are...

Ridgeway Ministries 26

Peter Veysie from Ridgeway Ministries trying to ‘Bridge’ that Gap

Peter Veysie commented here under my Change Agents article:  Ee-mmergency – Releasing Christian youth into the fire  Peter said:  “I am first of all hoping that you are a brother or sister in Christ and that your defence of the gospel...

Rainbow 4

7 Colours of the Rainbow and the Labyrinth

7 Colours of the Rainbow and the Labyrinth What does the Rainbow mean in New Age Spirituality: “The experience of seeing the colours of the rainbow, when the sun is shining and it has been raining, is one we all...

bible banned 3

Prepared For The Slaughter – The Disarming Of The Church

Prepared For The Slaughter – The Disarming Of The Church This article was written 11 years ago however as far as I’m concerned it could have been written 10 minutes ago, for John Green speaks about things that people are saying...

Sadhu Sundar Singh – 94

Sadhu Sundar Singh – Hindu Mystic in Sheep’s Clothing

Sadhu Sundar Singh and His So Called Christian Exploits with Emanuel Swedenborg I have come across quite a few ‘Christian’ websites who think that Sadhu Sundar Singh was truly a man of God.  I’ve spent hours and hours reading about...

Encounter Christ 41

What does an Encounter mean or is that a G12?

What does an Encounter mean or is that a G12? There seems to be a few Word of Faith churches in South Africa who speak of encounters.  Multiple ones might I add.  Now…this encounter terminology is Occult terminology.  Here is...

GlennSueGrant1 54

Glenn Grant – The Second Son

Glenn Grant – Occultist and The Second Son I am writing this article as warning to all who have come into contact with a man by the name of Glenn Grant.  He has written a book called The Second Son.  I...

WilliamBranhamF ireHalo 422

William Branham – False Prophet

William Branham – False Prophet I have decided to write this article on William Branham for 2 reasons and that is this: William Branham’s influence on the church today is nothing but a vile attack on the True Body of...

Todd Bentley – Georgian Banov 0

Blasphemous Prophecy at Todd Bentley’s Ritual Ceremony

George Banov prophecies 2 scriptures that were for Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ ONLY over Todd Bentley. July 1, 2008  by Craig “Lee” Dorsheimer This Youtube video [ ] was available in 2008 but is now private. In Todd Bentley’s initiation “ordination”...