Category: Roman Catholic Church

orthadox priests 85

Born Again Christians Compared to Inquisitors of the Inquisitions

Born Again Christians are Now Compared to Inquisitors of the Inquisitions This is a very interesting article written shortly after my critique of the Amahoro Gathering where Brian McLaren graced everyone with his presence in South Africa in June 2009....

The Christ 142

The Positive and The Negative of a One World Religion

The Positive and The Negative of a One World Religion They tell you its all good, they tell you it’s all about peace, love and joy.  They tell you the message they are spreading is one of change, transformation.  We have...

Brian McLaren 11

Emergent Church Movement Embraces Mysticism

Christianity Defaced as Leader of Emergent Church Movement Embraces Mysticism by Richard Bennett – 3/06 The Emerging Church movement has hailed as its “manifesto” Brian McLaren’s book, A Generous Orthodoxy. In it, McLaren explains that the genesis and title of the...

Mandela, Maitreya and a Rainbow Nation 13

Mandela, Maitreya and a Rainbow Nation

Mandela, Maitreya and South Africa a Rainbow Nation I wrote the above article on the 5th April 2008 last year. I was not going to re-post this article until yesterday when I wrote the following article: “Transfiguration to Take Over Africa and...

Amahoro Africa 18

Amahoro – Take Over Africa and Then the World

Amahoro – Transfiguration to Take Over Africa and then the World Opening Address at The Gathering: South Africa Gathering from (8-15 June, 2009) – Posted by Claude Nikondeha on June 08, 2009 at 2:59 PM [Bold Emphasis and notes in...

EmergingCollageDTW – Please see Fair Use Copyright instructions at bottom of article 0

Does Rob Bell teach Kingdom Now Theology?

Does Rob Bell teach Kingdom Now Theology?    Rob Bell is part of the Emerging Church, but wait, see how Kingdom Now Theology, Dominionism, Word of Faith and the Emerging Church all interlink: Emerging Church.  Is a movement that is succeeding very...

YouMagTBJoshua 89

T.B. Joshua – False Miracle Man

T.B. Joshua a False Miracle Man Letter by Bill Randles to the You Magazine regarding their article on T.B. Joshua (02/25/2001) Dear Sirs, I am writing in regard to your article (02/25/01) on the prophet T.B. Joshua entitled MIRACLE MAN. As a Christian...

TB Joshua 61

T.B. Joshua – The Deceiver

An expose’ on T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations by Sandy Simpson, 3/01  [2] There has been a lot of talk about T.B. Joshua from Nigeria lately. I have written to him asking for two items: (1)...

OldWayNewWay 30

Latter Rain – Taking Dominion with another Gospel another Christ

ANOTHER GOSPEL – Please read the below…  I know a lot of good people caught up in this, thinking that what these ‘pastors’ are preaching is ok and they can’t see any harm in it.  They can’t see any harm...

FreddieCoffeeBarBlog 17

Emergent – Another Student at TUKS Theology Loses the Plot

Emergent – Another Student at TUKS Theology Loses the Plot Freddie honestly believes that born again Christians and the Emergent Christian are the same.  Freddie honestly believes therefore that when ‘Christians’ are questioning what they believe and preach they are...