Category: Roman Catholic Church

NelsonMandela-LastSupper 26

Nelson Mandela as Jesus Christ

Nelson Mandela as Jesus Christ.  This is disgusting and utterly blasphemous.  But then again what’s new in this evil world we live in. The ultimate portrayal Local banker offers $2.5m for recreation of Da Vinci’s most famous work Aug 19,...

Benny_Hinn_Neanderthal_man 16

Benny Hinn and the Neanderthal Man

The FACTs in plain sight Benny Hinn, the word evolution is defined as, “1. gradual development. 2. development of species from earlier forms, as an explanation of origins” (The Oxford Desk Dictionary and Thesaurus, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 262)....

apparition-L 52

Jesus appears in Nigeria – AUGUST 2010

Christ’s apparition attracts thousands The following article which describes an apparition of Jesus that supposedly took place in a Catholic church in Nigeria recently – Jesus warned that “false appearances” would be taking place as one of the signs of the last days. (Matthew...

religions 20

G8 World Religions Summit – Worships Mother Earth

Uniting Religions for World Change: The G8 World Religions Summit By Carl Teichrib, A sacred fire was lit. Mother Earth, we were told, needs to hear that we love her, so give a “prayer of gratitude” to the Earth; “Because...

Pentecost 175

Gift of Speaking in Tongues, Prophecy and Healing

Gift of Speaking in Tongues, Prophecy and Healing – is it biblical? Back in the day at Pentecost, in the upper room, a special gift was bestowed on the disciples that they would be able to go out and spread...

AntiIsraelProtestsMarseilles 4

Europe’s Antisemitism Rises

Europe’s anti Semitism Rises Europe’s War on the Jews by Joseph Puder on Jul 15th, 2010 Visitors to the Israeli cities of Netanya and Eilat take immediate notice of the frequency with which French and English (British) are heard in...

BruceWilkinson 59

Moreleta Park, Bruce Wilkinson and the Amazonic “Jesus”

On 16 May 2010 Dr. Bruce Wilkinson preached at the Moreleta Park Dutch Reformed Church, Pretoria to 7 000 people. He did not preach from the Bible. Instead he exegeted the revival that started in Andrew Murray’s church. Before coming...

OpenCoffin 96

Have You or a Loved One Been Raised From the Dead?

Have You or a Loved One Been Raised From the Dead? Then WE are looking for YOU, and you have come to the right place to tell us about your miracle. If you are a pastor who has raised someone from...

John Piper 80

John Piper – Accepting One Mountain with All the Others

You don’t have to give up Buddha, Krisha, Allah, etc., to follow the Cosmic Christ if you listen to John Piper. If you just believe in the Cosmic Christ then you will go to heaven.   If you just embrace the Cosmic Christ...

slice of laodicea 44

Ingrid Schlueter – Celebrates Holy Cross Day

Ingrid Schlueter – Celebrates Holy Cross Day You’ve got to be kidding me?   Ok, Ingrid… What is this about?    Isn’t this the same as Advent?   Holy Cross day is part of the Catholic year (Liturgical year).   I can’t believe one needs to...