Category: Roman Catholic Church

Bible for 366 Days for Men 96

Angus Buchan – A ‘False Bible’ in 366 Days for Men

Angus Buchan – A ‘False Bible’ in 366 Days for Men It never ceases to amaze me.  Angus Buchan has now released a Bible for men, yes you heard me a BIBLE.  CUM Book stores description says; “THE BIBLE IN...

Augustine & Calvin’s Roman Catholic Connection 40

Augustine & Calvin’s Roman Catholic Connection

Calvinism, it’s Roman Catholic Connection by Hunt, Dave THERE IS NO QUESTION that Calvin imposed upon the Bible certain erroneous interpretations from his Roman Catholic background. Many leading Calvinists agree that the writings of Augustine were the actual source of most of...

KobusVanRensburg-FalseProphet 81

Kobus van Rensburg and his Tower of Babel

It has come to DTW’s attention that Kobus van Rensburg from Spirit Word Ministries feels it absolutely necessary to pray for the entire area of Stilfontein on a regular basis.  Now this sounds normal to the unlearned, the problem is,...

JesusFollowers 9

Angus Buchan says, “Put your Doctrinal Differences Aside!”

Angus Buchan – In Dion Forster’s  book,  “An uncommon spiritual path – the quest to find Jesus beyond conventional Christianity” , the editorial review of his book, provides says: “It would seem that for many Christians, and particularly for persons who have left the...

FourHorsemen 178

Not Wrath, but Rapture – Will the Church Participate in the Great Tribulation?

There is an onslaught by Satan on snatching believers away from The Blessed Hope.  This onslaught is so intense that hardly anyone believes in a pre-tribulation rapture anymore, and if you do believe that Jesus would dare come and fetch...

AlphaCourseLogo 7

If you do the Alpha Course, it will surely be the Omege of you.

On Sunday the 8th July 2012 on SABC 2, a program called “Life 24/7 IV” spoke about the Alpha Course and the benefits of attending.  It presented the Alpha Course as a wonderful 10 week Christian course that anyone from all backgrounds,...

Holy Spirit Dove on Fire 303

Biblical Holy Spirit vs. Unholy Spirit of Fire

Holy Spirit vs. Filthy Spirit of Fire, the calling down of Fire from heaven over a congregation, or praying Fire over someone is the norm in the church today. It has come to  resemble the early heretic Gnostic churches. Religious...

AngusBuchan-RickJoyner 84

NAR Invasion of SA – Rick Joyner, Angus Buchan, Danie Slabbert, Nevil Norden @ Apostolic Prophetic Conference – July 2012

NAR Invasion of SA – Rick Joyner, Angus Buchan, Danie Slabbert, Nevil Norden I knew it would happen and I waited patiently for this day, the day that Rick Joyner (Apostle in the New Apostolic Reformation NAR) teamed up with...

TDjakes-heavenisforreal 32

T D Jakes To Produce New Film – Heaven Is For Real

Please see here for DTW’s review of:  Heaven is For Real – This Story is Not ————– Bishop T D Jakes To Produce New Film – Heaven Is For Real by, May 10, 2011 With the opening weekend success...

HeavenIsForReal 356

Heaven is For Real – This Story is Not

Heaven is for Real – This Story is Definitely Not Today I will give a review of “Heaven is for Real – A little boys astounding story of his trip to heaven and back”.  I went to a local Christian book...