Category: Purpose Driven Life Movement

Menorah-7Candles 75

Why would a Christian use a Menorah?

As Christians we believe by faith in Jesus Christ.  We do not need candle sticks to remind us who Jesus Christ is because we have the Holy Spirit abiding in us.  The Menorah is part of the Jewish faith –...

religions 20

G8 World Religions Summit – Worships Mother Earth

Uniting Religions for World Change: The G8 World Religions Summit By Carl Teichrib, A sacred fire was lit. Mother Earth, we were told, needs to hear that we love her, so give a “prayer of gratitude” to the Earth; “Because...

BanKiMoon-UN 0

UN Millennium Declaration Development Goals – 2015 Deadline

Secretary-General calls on leaders to attend Millennium Development Goals summit next September “We must not fail the billions who look to the international community to fulfill the promise of the Millennium Declaration for a better world. Let us meet in September...

WalkThePlank – False teachers 44

False Teachers – What do you do when?

Most people trapped in blatant false teaching manage to escape their captors evil clutches and then run off seeking truth in the direction of men, other men who preach false teaching but are not so blatant. What do you do when...

Tony Blair Unite Faiths 9

Some of the Top Contenders for the AntiChrist Position are:

Some of the Top Contenders for the AntiChrist Position are: Tony Blair Looks To US Pastor Rick Warren In Bid To Unite Faiths Tony Blair is preparing to launch a “faith offensive” across the United States over the next year,...

new-evangelicalism 56

The New Evangelical – Evil fit for a New Dark Age

The New Evangelical – Evil fit for a New Dark Age I have been looking into Vatican II for a long time now wondering just how many of our well known pastors are Pope sympathisers.  Then the Emergent Movement exploded onto the scene,...

religions 51

Vatican II and The New Evangelization World Wide Take Over

NancyMissler 90

Nancy Missler and Henrietta Mears

Nancy Missler and Henrietta Mears Nancy Missler began her Christianity under a woman who was known for training the next generation of ecumenical world leaders and established the campus ecumenical movement. “Nancy Missler attended UCLA where she studied art. She met Chuck on a blind...

AlbertMohler 31

Ungodly Christian Pastors in our Churches?

Ungodly Christian Pastors in our Churches? WHO would have KNOWN it was POSSIBLE? Jesus said:    Matthew 7:21-23      21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who...

DionForster 31

Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking Video

Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking Video Dion Forster follower of the Cosmic Christ, Ecumenical Methodist Minister and avid cyclist, had this to say about the Turn2God gathering that took place on the 6th March 2010 at the Union Building...