Free Will Under Attack (Again?) – Part 1
To be (free will) or not to be (no free will), now that aint such a tough question after all, is it? The question whether man has a free will to choose for or against God and decide for himself...
To be (free will) or not to be (no free will), now that aint such a tough question after all, is it? The question whether man has a free will to choose for or against God and decide for himself...
Angus Buchan – A ‘False Bible’ in 366 Days for Men It never ceases to amaze me. Angus Buchan has now released a Bible for men, yes you heard me a BIBLE. CUM Book stores description says; “THE BIBLE IN...
One of Satan’s greatest lies is to try and convince you that there are different types of Calvinists, that being the moderate Calvinist and then the hyper Calvinist. It is a load of nonsense. All Calvinists are Calvinists who follow...
Jacob Prasch and his friend Chuck Missler both teach the the same demonic Nephilim teaching that angels came down to earth and had sexual relations with human women who somehow miraculously gave birth to ginormous babies who grew to be...
Moriel and Midrash by Martin Horan – 21/12/2012 Having held a fascination for Jewish theology and philosophy, and read and studied much on these things for about forty-five or so years, I occasionally check out Jewish sites on-line. I especially enjoy...
The DIFFERENCE Between Assurance of Salvation (Once Saved, Always Saved) and CALVINISM’S Perseverance of the Saints (Once CHOSEN, Always CHOSEN) There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between Calvinism’s version of ‘once saved, always saved’ and the BIBLICAL version of Assurance of...
Discerning the World – Defence from the Attacks of Jacob Prasch and Moriel Ministries Since exposing Jacob Prasch from Moriel Ministries on Discerning the World here: Jacob Prasch – Twisting Scripture the Midrash Way Jacob Prasch the Railer Jacob Prasch –...
DTW exposed Jacob Prasch from Moriel Ministries here: Jacob Prasch – Twisting Scripture the Midrash Way. Not long after the article was published, Jacob Prasch unfortunately graced us with his presence and commented on the blog. Jacob Prasch had nothing nice...