Category: Religions/Faiths/Movements

uncle-angus-buchan-what-to-expect-from-its-time-pretoria 25

Angus Buchan sets aside God’s Doctrines to achieve Peace and Unity in South Africa

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine,...

The-God-Gene 11

The GOD-gene, Heredity and Election

Introduction The God-gene – “Science has finally caught up with the Bible” is a phrase often heard in evangelical circles and, believe it or not, the brainchild who has shown an immense interest in brain research, especially in the field...

Righteous Anger 0

Is a Christian allowed to show Anger?

Tom and I answer many comments, and it takes time to think about what the person is saying, and then answer the person with a biblical answer.  I realised this morning that I should turn a lot more of my...

Magicians-Antichrist 11

Magicians preparing the world for Antichrist

Every illusion or magic performance by all magicians begins with a lie and as we know from the bible who the father of all lies is, and that is Satan. John 8:44 (KJV)44 Ye are of your father the devil, and...

Zac Poonen 44

Benson and Poonen Dishonesties

In our so-called enlightened age of reason, one of the most dangerous mortal sins you dare not do is to tell someone to their face they are liars or are lying. I realized this again when Paul Benson, the author...

Scott Pruitt – Nopretrib 33

Nopretrib – Scott Pruitt’s Brotherly Hatred

I recently commented on Scott Pruitt’s site, “Nopretrib” in response to a person with the pseudonym LT 77. This was Scottie’s response. Scott Pruitt commented on Faithful Are The Wounds Of A Friend. in response to Tom Lessing: In response...

Johan Geyser Philemon – universal brotherhood 0

A Universal Brotherhood of Jesus-Followers

A Universal Brotherhood of Jesus-Followers:  Leading the Masses to Their Second Death Who could have imagined or contemplated that a Bible Book, consisting of only 25 verses, could be used to promote a universal brotherhood of loving, reconciled elitist masters...

John Maxwell 10

John Maxwell – What Does He Believe and Teach?

Comment sent in by Robbie who just watched a video produced by John Maxwell. His laws, qualities and principles are used in churches and in the corporate world. John Maxwell (born 1947) is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books,...

Paul Benson – Bucket Full of Holes 1

Paul Benson – A Bottomless Bucket (Part 7)

Part 6 of this series ends with a brief discussion of Paul Benson’s view on the non-participative role of the Holy Spirit in the Rapture. It is necessary to expand on the Holy Spirit’s alleged uninvolvement in the Rapture, because...