Category: Religions/Faiths/Movements

Apostles versus Super Apostles 4

Apostles vs Super Apostles

A comment from ‘searching_sound_doctrine’ about Apostles, speaking in tongues and salvation: “1) Do apostles still exist today or was that only for the 12 apostles that witnessed the first hand death and ressurection of jesus christ?2) Are speaking in tongues...

Water-Baptism-Initiation 21

Water Baptism or Spiritual Water Baptism?

A comment from Paul on Baptism: ” Peter, after seeing gentiles filled with Holy Ghost (Acts 10:44-47) asks, (v47) “‭‭Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?‭”...

Doctrinal-Differences-They-walk-among-us 0

The Love of Doctrinal Differences?

A comment from Susanna: “I am a member of Mosaiek church, and find these comments offensive. The church is not Satanic. It serves the Lord. There may doctrinal differences, but I am sure there are doctrinal faults in every church...

The falling away 7

The Falling Away from Christianity

Answering a comment on “the falling away“: Lou said; “Tom, one great deserves another great; the great falling away deserves the great tribulation. Some wrongfully claim that the “falling away” in II Thess. 2 is the pretrib rapture! Yes, the...

Charles Spurgeon – Freemason 47

Charles Spurgeon 100% Freemason

Charles Spurgeon inconspicuously included Luciferian terms in many of his sermons. These occult words and phrases have been ignored by Calvinists who to this day hail Spurgeon as the Prince of Preachers. Listed below are 7 pages of quotes from...

Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism – Fundamentalist 4

The Fundamentalist Tag

The Fundamentalist Tag – Introduction The easiest way to win an argument or to get an audience on your side is to use the “fundamentalist tag” on someone who disagrees with you, especially in the realm of religion. Like the...

buffing shoes2 6

How to Morph the Washing of Feet into the Buffing of Shoes

From This       ………………       To This The washing of feet – It is stupendously amazing how today’s Emerging Church preachers have perfected the art of morphing biblical narratives into stories that never intended to convey what they...

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To Lent Or Not To Lent, That is The Question

To Lent or Not to Lent, That is the Question. Introduction The heading of this article “To Lent or not to Lent, that is the question” is, as our readers can see, a skit on one of the most famous...

Jannes Labuscagne The Base Church – Jannes Labuscagne The Base Church – Seed Within, Overcomer 4

The Seed Within You: The Base Church

Introduction: The Seed Within You Salvation is often portrayed as Christ being the seed of life sown in us to grow within us. Adherents to the New Apostolic Reformation and the Manifestation of the Sons of God who believe this...

Imagine Motivational Wallpapers 7


The Art of “Soft-Power” Imagine – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, defines “soft power” as follows: Soft power is the ability to attract and co-opt, rather than coerce (hard power). Soft power is the ability to shape the preferences of others through appeal and attraction....